January 10, 2012


Moneyball is hands down one of the best films of the year. This movie is a solid piece of film making all the way through out. The script of the film is great. You have some great lines and none of them being to cheesy like sports movies tend to be. Then on top of good lines the story of the film is just good all around. If you are not a baseball fan you will still love this movie. If you don't know anything about the sport you will still enjoy the movie. Then the acting done by Brad Pitt is great. One of the best jobs of the year. He was very good at being a GM of this baseball time. Then also Jonah Hill was actually really good. He did a great job of playing somebody who is actually very smart and just funny.  The tone and the pace of the film were perfect. It never moved to fast so you didn't miss something. It had moments that were very funny and then it had moments were you on the each of the seat hoping that this team wins. Even the ending of the film was good. You feel very complete when the movie ends. I say if you want to see a good baseball movie see it. I say if you want to see one of the best films of the year see this.

5 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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