January 8, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty is the story of the women and the team that brought down Osama Bin Laden. The actress playing the Lead Maya is Jessica Chastain and the film is directed by Kathryn Bigeleow (The Hurt Locker)

To begin the acting in the film done by Jessica is so good. She is a very strong character and is very driven. I super strong women character which is always a good thing to see in the movies. So form that everything else is very good. The way that Bigeleow told this story is so good. It had that super tease and super real feel to it. This felt more like a documentary then a movie. It had that feel of like your just peeking in on the action that is happening in front of you. Also the tone never switches and it is always this super tease feel form the opening scene to the ending moment. Also the writing in this film is simply amazing. It keep the the same feeling like it was just people talking and trying to do there job. Nothing every comes off cheesy. The last scene of the this movie was amazing. Where you see the navy seals come in and take out the house that has Bin Laden in. It is one of those scenes that is really hard to take your eyes off the screen. I am almost at a lost for words on how good this film was. Its really hard to find anything wrong. It is good form start to finish. If I would have seen this film before the new year it would have easily been on the top ten films of the year.

The only problems I have with the film which are very few is like maybe the pace of the film but it is really hard to say the pace is wrong when every scene is good and needed to tell the story. Also the DOP was just okay. Now saying he is just okay is not a negative. I am saying that in comperson to the rest of the film it isn't as good, but is still very good. So that being said i am going to give this film a

5 out 5 Ticket Stubs


Dan O. said...

A suspenseful and well put together movie, this terrifically made film is very similar in many ways to The Hurt Locker, even though this one may be better. Good review.

Kyle Landwehr said...

Yeah it was a sick movie. I was surprised when Bigeleow didn't get a nod for this.