February 8, 2014

The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie is the newest WB animated film. It is about Legos. And when I say that it's about Legos, I mean it's just about Legos. This film is a blend of Stop Motion animation and CGI. It is about a normal everyday Joe named Emmet he finds something that makes him, as the movie puts it, "the special."

Let's start this film off right. Is it funny and good for kids? Oh yeah it is! This film starts off at a super fast pace and never stops that pace. I mean this film has so much energy. The jokes they start and they don't stop till the end of the film. They are also done with great pacing. Like, some jokes get set up and take the whole film to pay off. Then there are like, one sentence jokes that work perfectly and will have you laughing non-stop. Then they have all the in jokes, two of those said jokes I had to cover my mouth from laughing so much. The voice over work is perfect. Everyone does great and deserves big props. My personal favorites are Will Farrell as Lord Business and Will Arnett as Batman. Those are my favorites because they made me laugh the most. No one was better than the other. The story and overall theme of the film work perfectly. The themes are so good and everyone will get them including little kids. That part is what makes this film so great and what makes me love it.

Now with that being said I do have some problems with it. All though the Stop Motion and CGI work perfect over all there are some moments that it just doesn't blend the best. Still top notch work and should be seen. Also I think it runs a little long for younger kids, but once again, over all it is not at all a poorly paced film.

This film has set the bar for what is to come this year with animated films and with film in general. All the movies should be this good. It has set the bar very high for animation this year. Come Oscar season next year. I know who I will be rooting for.  Everything is Awesome!

3.75 out 4 Ticket Stubs

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