May 12, 2014

Godzilla (2014)

Godzilla is about... How do I say this without sounding dumb? It's about a giant dragon-like monster that comes from the depths of the ocean and starts to basically ruin everyone's day. Now if you didn't know that, don't worry you won't feel out of place in the film.

I am not that big of a fan of Godzilla movies, when I say that understand that means I haven't seen that many of his movies. Actually I have only seen the old cartoon and 1998 version which is not that good. This film was made by Gareth Edwards and he is a big fan of monster movies. See his debut film Monsters which was a very character driven monster film. I would say the same  about this one. It is very much about the characters. Which is a good thing! I personally loved this film for that. The tone and pace that he sets are perfect for the film. Everything felt very real in the film and how the world would actually react to seeing a giant monster attack. The score and look of the film are extremely well done. I would say the look of the film is one of the strongest points. Now the thing that I have to say I really liked best about this film is the way that it was marketed. Not much of the story was told in the trailer and you basically went in pretty blind. This was a great thing for this film. There are a lot of big moments that no one has seen yet and I am really excited for people to see this. Also one scene I do have to talk about, don't worry no spoilers, is the scene where you see Godzilla for the first time. It is amazing! They make Godzilla seem very powerful and just awe inspiring.

 The film is very sound and I am giving my highest recommendation of see it in the theater. Trust me you will want to hear that roar. My big issue with the film is there doesn't seem to be enough of it. Like the characters are good, but you really could develop them more or make them just a bit more interesting. The action is good and I mean very good. Just you want to see more of the action in the film. Now those are just my own personal problems with this film. I think that most people will enjoy this film very much and won't find many flaws. So go see it when it comes out and you won't be upset.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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