June 6, 2014

Edge Of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow is a film that stars Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. This film is based in the near future were an alien invasion has happened and we are at war with these creatures. Now there is anther aspect to this film having to do with time travel. Not time travel per-say, but a time loop which Cruise finds himself in. Much like the film Groundhog Day or Source Code.

Now to start off a lot of people don't like Cruise. I get it. He is a bit off I will admit. I still think the man is a great actor and really knows how to pick pretty good films. Now this film had a good idea and looked like it could be a lot of fun. I walked out of this film easily seeing probably one of the bigger surprises of the year. This film is carefully directed by Doug Liman, the man behind Bourne Identity, so I was really worried about the Shaky cam in this film. It actually wasn't to bad and actually made a lot of sense where it was used. Mostly.  There are a few spots were I would have preferred something else done with the camera but for the most part its good and used well. Also the Liman's direction of the film is perfect. He balances a great tone between dark and serious action with some great lighter moments. It really does have some good comedy infused with the film. Also his pace is perfect. Nothing ever takes to long or isn't long enough and you are never once sucked out of the film. When the film starts the two-hour run time  it will fly by. Then finally and biggest pieces of this film that I really enjoyed is the characters. More the way the characters get developed and progress though the film. Cruises character has a big arc in the film and has a lot of symbolism placed with him. The film has just a enough artier moments to catch my eye. Unlike Enemy and Under the Skin where its just put in your face. This one is more in the subtext, which I really enjoyed.

I don't have a lot of negative criticism toward the film. It really is a great ride for a summer film. You get almost everything you want in summer blockbuster with this film. You get a great story, with good characters, and a lot of action and humor to keep your eyes glued to the screen. My only true real fault is like the last 30 seconds of the film. It creates a plot hole and muddy ups a great character arc. It doesn't ruin the whole film so I want bring it down much for it, but it is still there. Overall go see the film it is one of the better films this year ( which there have been a ton) and is easily going to be seen on my 10 top later this year.

3.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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