May 27, 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men: Apocalypse is the next X-Men film in the huge X-men film franchise. This is also the 4th film headed by Bryan Singer. The cast is massive everyone returns to there roles Micheal Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, and Nicholas Hoult. This film also has the return of fan favorite characters with new actors. We have Sophie Turner playing Jean Grey, Tye Sheridan as Cyclops, and Alexandra Shipp as Storm. Probably the biggest cast of characters in a X-Men film yet and still isn't all of the people in this film. The film follows the rise of the villain Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) and his plans to of course destroy the world and it is up to our heroes to stop him.

So this is the third time for some of these actors to play these characters. One actor of the bunch stuck out the most to me as just really understanding and owning his character. This really should have been Micheal Fassbender's film. He steals every scene he his in and some of the heartache that this character goes thought just cements him in this role. No one really turns in a bad performance in the film and Singer has always been able to pull out great performances from his actors. Singer also did a great job with direction of this script because it is a huge story. Clocking in at just around the two and a half hour mark. We have a lot of shots that give us that epic scope that this film was going for. We get a lot of great action also in the later half of the film. It does what the summer blockbusters are own for doing. His tone is perfect for the film and Singer just knows this world that he created for these characters.

Singer did what he could do with this script. I do think the film is fair to long but it's to no fault of  the directors. He was able to switch from each story very smooth and balanced it for the most part very well, but when it comes down to it the film just has to much to do. We have the origin stories of  around seven characters in this film. That is a lot. Most of the origin stories get about a second of screen time but seven is just to much. One of those origin stories just plainly didn't need to be in the film. It's great to see this character in the film, but just slows  the film down. Apocalypse was a great villain, but with including the arc about Magneto (Fassender) makes you think that this film should have been about him more. Plus you could still do the intro of characters and we didn't need another lengthy origin story for Apocalypse. Overall, I think this is the worst of the Singer helmed X-Men film. Is it better then Origins and last stand? Yes, but not by much.

2 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.

May 20, 2016

The Nice Guys

The Nice Guys is the next film helmed by Shane Black (Iron Man 3, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang). The film stars Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, and Angourie Rice. The story is about a PI Holland(Gosling) taking the case of a woman who thinks she has since her died niece. Holland ends up crossing paths with a guy who ,beats up people up for a living, Healy (Crowe) and together they get themselves mixed up with a murder mystery adventure that they need to solve.

Black is known for these types of films. He has been involved with three of these buddy cops mystery films before. Penning the original Lethal Weapon and writing and directing the hugely underrated Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. So this being his third attempt at this type of film he hopefully should have a good idea how to make one. Black nails the tone of this film and writes some amazing characters. I hope this film makes some money because I would enjoy seeing these guys on screen again. This film even has all the Black staples you have the voice over, the humor, and the Christmas season (well at least at the end of the film). All three of the actors are on point in this film. Gosling playing the goofy overtop character and Crowe playing the straight man was perfect casting. So many laughs come from the back and forth of those two alone. I also would like to mention Rice. I have never seen her in a film before this, but she steals the show as Gosling daughter. She feels like Penny from Inspector Gadget which just makes me laugh. In a good way.  Black easily sets this film in the late 70's with the soundtrack and the look of the film. It also makes sense that this film be placed in the 70's era because the mystery would not work in today's modern society.

Even thought Black had made very story or mystery heavy films before I think he has always had a problem with actually telling them. The story is good, but it is easily a weak point of the film.  It's nothing to write home about. The characters be them great, don't have much of an arc as well. There are what seems to be attempts to have arcs with them, but I think they fall flat in the film  Black does have a problem with moving the story along in the middle of the film. It stays in one area for far too long be it there is some great humor bits, but the story doesn't really move forward.

The Nice Guys is a great buddy cop film. Filled with great characters, pretty solid action, and an okay mystery. It could bring back a film genre that we really haven't seen for awhile. If this was the sleeper hit of the summer I wouldn't mind that at all because Black and company do a great job of recapturing the 70's. I hope we see another adventure from The Nice Guys.

3.25 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.