The animation in this movie is great looking. It doesn't fail in this at all. The things the animators did with the characters in the games were great. Like the way the talked and moved. It was a great treat to watch as a retro gamer myself. Besides the look of the movie the sounds were great. Really funny sound effects along top of great score.
Now the tone and the pace of the film were great. I have a little issue with the pace but it all works together as a whole so I really can't complain to much about it. The tone of this film I thing was absolutely perfect. It is a great way to do a kids movie. It started off really lighthearted and letting you get stuck to the characters and then it turns to this very dark tone (for a kids movie) that the parents can actually really enjoy. Another good thing about the film was the humor. Even the jokes in the trailer I still laughed at. I really have to give to the voice work to that. They really sold there characters to me. All the jokes in the movie landed perfectly and all very funny. Also the over all moral of the movie was great. I don't think many kids will miss it and its a good lesson for kids.
Now there were there were very few problems with the film. One of them being that the movie has all the classic Disney cliches in it. They even find away to get a princess into the movie. I personally love all these Disney things because I am a big Disney fan so it didn't bug me that much, but it could bug others. That is really the biggest problem about, but none the less it is still a great time at the movies and easily one of my favorite animated films of the year. All really should enjoy it so I am going to give it
5 out of 5 Ticket Stubs
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