November 17, 2012


Lincoln is the new film by the master of film himself Steven Spielberg staring some of the greatest actors of our time one being Daniel-Day Lewis as Lincoln himself. Tommy Lee Jones as a leader of the republican party. Sally Fields as Lincolns wife. The story of the movie is about the last 4 months of the Abraham Lincoln life and doing two very important moments in American History one being the passing of the amendment that ended slavery and ending the civil war.

To start off the acting in this film is the best I have seen all year. Tommy Lee Jones explodes off the screen and this great character that is so easily likable it amazes me. Sally Fields as Lincoln's bipolar wife was perfect. Then of course Daniel-Day Lewis was Lincoln. His performance alone should pay for your ticket. Lewis became Lincoln. There are moments when I forgot that I was watching him play Lincoln, but actually thought it was Lincoln himself back form the dead.  If Lewis doesn't get a nod for this there should be riots in the street. Now the screenplay of the this movie is just off the walls good. Best written movie of the year. Hands down the best written movie the year. The dialogue in this movie is some of the best I have ever heard and I will be saying form now one. The scene where Lincoln asks if we choose to be born or fitted into the time is mind blowingly good.

Now that those parts are out of the way. Spielberg in the chair again is always a great thing in my eyes. He knew what he had in his hands and let the actors and the screenplay tell this story. He made a great tone for this film. He had some great drama and actually some pretty good humor in it. This film is easily the best Spielberg film in awhile. I liked this film more then last years War Horse. (which is underrated by fans in my opinion) John Williams score is good not his best but good none the less. And of course this film was shot great. Not the best of the year but totally the top 5 of the year.

I did have a few problems with the film. The biggest problem with the film is the way its done. This movie has a lot of talking in it. I mean a lot. In fact is the whole film is just talking. Now I personally loved it for that. Show me good talking scenes and I am good. I mean my favorite film of all time is a talking movie(Pulp Fiction). Now my problem with this is that if you are not expecting this your going to be very upset. This film won't be seen by many teenagers or a younger crowd, because there is "no action". So since it does have a good enough mass appeal. I have to give this movie

4.5 out of 5 Ticket Stubs.

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