November 28, 2012

Life of Pi

Life of Pi is a book adaptation that was supposed to be unfilmable. Well director Ang Lee said to hell with that and made the best visual and 3-d film I have seen since Avatar. The story is about a boy who has lived in India for his whole life and how his family made money was they owned a zoo, but now they need to move and they are taking the zoo with them. When Pi's ship goes down and he is by himself on the ocean on a boat with a wild tiger form the zoo. To what this film did good.

The visuals. The visuals. The visuals. It is a visual masterpiece. Like I said in the intro this is the best cgi and 3-d film I have ever seen. The tiger looks so life like and you really believe that it is there with Pi on the boat. Then on top of that there are some crazy good 3-d. Ang Lee did a great job with this he had some shots in here that are just breathtaking. The 3 scenes that are just great in this film are the ship wreck scene, this scene with a whale and a fish scene that got showed early. The acting in this film was very good Pi played by three different people all did great.

Now that it is out of the way I am going into what I am on the fence about. The script has some problems and so does the pace of the film. The script is mainly why the film is poorly paced. The first 30 minutes of the film is all character development. Now this is good that they did this and helps you get attached to character and is really needed. Its just a little boring and some people will just want to get to the castaway stuff. Also there is scenes were if you do see this movie in only 2-d you also may think it is boring. So this if you are going to see this movie spend the extra money and actually see in 3-d it is very worth the money.

Now to my rating. This is actually one of the harder to rate films for me, because this film really does tell a great story and is amazing to watch. So i am going to rate this film very diffidently because this film is to good to be a 4 but not good enough to be a 4.5. So my rating is going to be

4.25 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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