Reviews new movies and my opinions on certain movies. My reviews are quick and to the point. If you are looking for a good insight into film stop here.
The rating system is 0 to 4 ticket stubs
2 is usually meant to be like a solid rent.
ParaNorman is a stop action claymation film. It is about this boy named Norman who can see ghosts everywhere he goes. He lives in this town where this witch was killed and cruse is coming and he is the only one that can stop it. This is one of the best claymation films I have ever seen. It is up there with a Nightmare before Christmas. The claymation is perfect. It looks just great it all flows every well into the film. It really helps the tone of the film. The jokes and humor in this film is so great. I was laughing all the way through. It was a very witty and fun sense of humor. The score of the film is awesome. It sounds like a old 70's and 80's horror films. The voice acting is awesome. They are all very into there character. I loved the story of the film. Great family film it makes a great message by the end of the film. It pays tribute to the old 70's and 80's horror movies very well. If your a horror fan you will love this movie. If your not a horror fan you love this movie. This film should be doing great thought out the fall months. I can not recommend this movie any higher. If your looking for a fun time at the movies see this. If your looking for some good laughs see it. If your looking to take your kids to this see it. The parents will enjoy this just as much as the kids. I can not find
anything wrong with this film.
Looper is the new film with Joesph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt. Directed by Rian Johnson who also directed Brick with Levitt as well. Looper is a time travel film were Levitt and Willis play the same person Joe. Willis being the older one and Levitt being young one. They placed make up on Levitt to make him look like a possible young Willis. Now Levitt has been a rising star for a little now with Batman and Inception. He does great as Joe. Parts of the film I thought he was Bruce Willis just a ace on the acting with Levitt. Willis was great best I have seen him in years. He was perfect. Blunt also hits it out of the park. No one does a bad job acting in this movie. Johnson does a great job with writing and making this movie. He wrote a very realized world and set a great tone. The characters he wrote in this film were great very fleshed out and realized characters. The biggest thing that I thought was amazing was the way this film was shot. The camera movement was perfect. No shacky cam. One of the best shot films I have seen all year next to Dark Knight Rises. The problems I found with the film was that the story was great, but it is very hard to follow. If you are not a fan of time travel or movies in that area. Please avoid this film you will hate every moment of the film. People looking for a big action film don't see this as well. Then the final problem I found was that it was slow for my taste. It takes a little bit for it to get were it wants to go, but still very well told. On a whole if you like time travel. See this thing in theaters you will not be upset.
REC is a Spanish horror film series about a zombie like infection this is the 3rd in the series. It is a prequel and gets rid of the found footage style. Now this film has elements that are really good and really bad elements. The things that worked were the actors mainly the actor Clara she was great I really believed in her and liked her character and also like Koldo he was good just not as good as Clara. Some of the scares worked really well. When you actually saw the zombies they were some great makeup on them very creepy. The director had a great feel for pace. The tone was all over the place thought but the pace was still great. This was more of a over the top horror movie. It went along the lines of Return of the dead and its a lot more funny. Now if this was a stand alone film I wouldn't mind it, but sense this is a 3rd in the series it really hurt the film. The first two RECs had a great tone very creepy and great scares. Also something I think that really hurts the feel and the biggest problem with me the first 20 minutes of the film are done in found footage style and then switches to traditional. When it switched I found it really hard to get back into the movie. All in all the only real reason should see this movie is if you like the series. Even then you can still possible skip it.
House At The End Of The Street is about Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) and her mother moving into a new neighborhood and in a small town. They rent out this house next to the one at the end of the street. The reason they get this house for so cheap is because two people were murdered by there mentally challenged daughter. The one really good thing about this movie is the acting done by Lawrence. She is great in the film. The only real reason why you should go see this movie. Now time for the stuff that weren't so good. This movie had problems with pretty much everything else. The Director was awful he had no sense of timing, pace, or tone. The DOP had some of the worst shots I have seen in a long time. There is way to much shaky cam when it is pointless. Then finally the writer of this movie put almost every single callable thing in the movie really bad and cheap jump scares and really stupid twist ending. People when I say I love horror movies and I hate one you know that it isn't good. The only reason why anybody should see this movie is because Lawrence is so good in everything that she does.
I haven't been posting film reviews lately because I lazy, but I am going to start getting back into it. I have seen a lot of really good movies this summer along with the start of the fall season. So the first review I am going to do is House at the End of the Street. It will be up in a few days.