September 30, 2012


Looper is the new film with Joesph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt. Directed by Rian Johnson who also directed Brick with Levitt as well. Looper is a time travel film were Levitt and Willis play the same person Joe. Willis being the older one and Levitt being young one. They placed make up on Levitt to make him look like a possible young Willis. Now Levitt has been a rising star for a little now with Batman and Inception. He does great as Joe. Parts of the film I thought he was Bruce Willis just a ace on the acting with Levitt. Willis was great best I have seen him in years. He was perfect. Blunt also hits it out of the park. No one does a bad job acting in this movie. Johnson does a great job with writing and making this movie. He wrote a very realized world and set a great tone. The characters he wrote in this film were great very fleshed out and realized characters. The biggest thing that I thought was amazing was the way this film was shot. The camera movement was perfect. No shacky cam. One of the best shot films I have seen all year next to Dark Knight Rises. The problems I found with the film was that the story was great, but it is very hard to follow. If you are not a fan of time travel or movies in that area. Please avoid this film you will hate every moment of the film. People looking for a big action film don't see this as well. Then the final problem I found was that it was slow for my taste. It takes a little bit for it to get were it wants to go, but still very well told. On a whole if you like time travel. See this thing in theaters you will not be upset.

4 out of 5 Ticket Stubs


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