December 27, 2012

Les Miserables (2012)

Les Miserables is a play that was made into a musical that got turned into a movie now that it is all said and done, the film is about a criminal named Jean Valjean played by Wol I mean Hugh Jackman. Who wants to become a better man after he has had this single act of kindness done on to him. So now he feels that he must help others.

This film has a lot of stuff to talk about. One being the acting done by everybody. All the actors are spot on in this film. Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway both deserve nods this year. Anne Hathaway was so good in this film she had some great scenes like the I dreamed a dream song which was so good. I mean tears. Then Jackman is just great all the way thought this film. I don't think he has a bad scene which is good because he is the movie to me. Also the direction done by Tom Hooper (King's Speech) was really good he hits this perfect tone that never really lets up. Also the cinematography was so good he likes to do this sweeping shots that really show off the landscape of the world he has created. The singing was good in the most part. Everybody except for one did great. Hugh Jackman really impressed me I knew he was a good singer but man he is really good. Also something else that needs to be talked about. That is most movies that have singing in it make it with the singing prerecorded and the they just over dub and this film they didn't do that. They actually sing on camera so all that emotion they are giving at that time they are also working on singing. Which really just blows my mind and really adds to the film. This leads in to the music this includes the score and the songs they sing they are both very good, best I have heard all year.

Now on to what I didn't like about this film. It is really slow. I feel like there is a theme going with the last few movies that I have seen. I wasn't the hobbit slow, but i think there is something they could have done to help movie the film movie along a little faster. Also there is a ton of singing in this film. Yeah that may be stupid reading that, but like 99% of the film is singing and if they do speak its a line tops. So I have to put that in the negative column. So if your worried your not gonna like it because there is singing stay far away my friends far away. Then to talk about the thing that is kinda the elephant in the room Russell Crowe. Maximus Decimus Meridius isn't the worlds best singer. I not saying Rebecca Black bad, but no where on pair with Hugh Jackman and the others. So for those reasons I have to give the rating of

4 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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