April 26, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron is the sequel, ending of phase 2, or next part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As a big fan of comic books. The fact I get to type out that sentence is amazing. It stars, a cast. Seriously the cast is amazing. All the characters return from the last films. No one has been replaced, but they do add a few people which is the ones a I want to talk about. They add Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Quicksilver, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, Paul Bettany as The Vision, and James Spader as our villain Ultron. Ultron is a creation of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Which goes out of control and tries to destroy the world.

To start off, I would like to talk about the acting and the characters. The film really picks up were the Avengers left off. It takes the character moments that we loved from the first on and expanded on them. That I can tell was the goal of this film. If Avengers 1 was the birth of this world. This film was easily the one that showed us what the world is going to look like. As a fan of these films this world is looking great. The actors play off each other so, well making jokes work, and the moments that are dark and very serious work just as well. The direction and writing done by Joss Whedon is perfect. He balances out everything, even better than the first film. He goes from one thing to the next so easily. From pushing his own story along, to expanding the universe that we have all come to love. The biggest thing that I wanted to talk about is James Spader as Ultron. The dude is the best villain from Marvel to date. He kills it. Every shot of him looks great making him seem God like and embodiment of pure evil. He was easily my second favorite part of this film and the one part that really needed to be talked about. My favorite part being some of the shots that is panels taken straights out of comic books. Those moments make make my spine tingle with pure enjoyment.

Now this film does have some faults, some faults that make this film not the classic that its trying to be. It's a sequel and some of the characters don't feel needed. We have seen this film before. We saw it 3 years ago nothing really changed from this one, yes the film's tone is a little darker. Which I really like, but the style and writing just as good as the first, not better. It's like first one hit it so far out of the park. That when this film tries to do that and does the park is a lot smaller. Also the characters of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch I have massive problems with. The main thing they do is listen to Ultron talk. So that way he isn't just talking to a wall. They aren't bad characters because I do like them and enjoyed seeing them. It just they didn't feel very important. So when it comes down to it the film feels just a little bloated. Also, the fact that this film is clearly banking on you seeing all the other films and not explaining anything about the characters or plot devices. Breaks one of the cardinal sins of making a sequel film. Which to me is, a film has to be able to stand on it own without you having seen the others.

This is a long review and come on it's THE summer blockbuster this year. It's not my most anticipated of the year, thought, which goes to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This film is still a great time at the movie theater and I can't wait to see it again. That fact alone is telling you that this film is great. If you want to see big action and great effects and good laughs. Go see Avengers: Age of Ultron you will not be mistaken.

3.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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