November 28, 2011

Air Force One

Air force one is about the plane. In the simplest form. It stars Harrison Ford, William H Macy, and Gary Oldman.Oh yeah in Glenn Close. Just form that cast it is pretty easy that this has a really good acting in it. Ford plays the President of the USA coming back form a dinner with Russia. Who we had just help get rid of a terrorist leader. When they are on the plane they get taken over by terrorist lead by Gary Oldman. Very simple story. What made this film so much fun was Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman. Watching Indiana Jones kick ass in a suit was awesome. Oldman also played one of the best on screen bad guys i have seen in awhile. It had great action and really good acting by the two leads. It has one of the coolest lines ever. Given by Ford. GET OFF MY PLANE. Just a great scene. If you like action movies and Harrison Ford see this movie. Well I loved this movie. I did have problems with it. The biggest problem with the film was that it is very impossible. Parts of these film would never happen in reality. It is in big popcorn flix. This is not the film you go to see and think after you see this film for the opposite reason not to think.

4 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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