November 14, 2011

The Other Women

The Other Women is a IFC film about a man and wife who have a child, but the baby needs up doing of natural causes and you find out the the women that the man is sleeping with is actually is second wife and he cheated on his first wife the one he has now. Natalie Portman plays the other women in this ( the second wife). It is a a descent drama with a lot of good acting mainly done by Portman. She really is the real and only reason to see this film. The film surrounding her is not very great. Not to say its not bad but nothing new that we haven't seen before and will see again. There are some really good moments the the child in the film who actually does a descent job in that role, but beside those to actors in really is just a descent film. They could have done a lot more with the script on this one. It just feels a little under developed and not thought all the way through like the movie asks to many questions and doesn't really answer them all. What I also did like was the some of the shots in the film were pretty cool, but there are only like one or two of them so not very well directed and shot. It is a very descent film and very easy to forget.

2.5 Ticket Stubs out of 5

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