December 15, 2012

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is Peter Jackson's return to the realm of middle earth. It is the prequel series to the great and super popular Lord of the Rings trilogy.  This story is about a the dwarves and how they want to kill the evil dragon smaug, but they need the help of a hobbit of the name of Bilbo Baggins. Now I have been a big fan of the series as a kid. So I was expecting a lot form this film. I am going to do my best not compare this to the rings and not spoil.

The Hobbit has a ton things that I need to talk about,  so lets get this review started. The acting in this film is good. No real Oscar performances but they all work on the screen. Martin Freeman plays the main character of Bilbo and he is great really enjoyed his character all the way. Then you also have Sir Ian McKellen returns as the Gandalf the grey and he really shines in this film. I liked him more in this then I liked him in the rings. Also I note worthy performance is the actor that nobody eyes Andy Serkis playing Gollum. Gollum to me was the best part of this whole film the riddles in the dark scene was great and the CGI they did for Gollum was amazing. He looked so real and the performance done by Serkis just adds so much depth to the character.

Now on to what I didn't like. This film was dreadfully slow. The film clocks in just under 3 hours and the first 2 hours really suffer. Nothing really happens and the story really doesn't get pushed forward. Now I am not saying that Jackson did a bad job at directing this film but, the fact that this was meant to be a 2 movie in the beginning and recently got changed may have hurt the film. Also there was far to much CGI in this film. Now its not like Avatar CGI bad, but what I wanted to see was all the cool evil looking orcs in flesh. Also the are total of 15 characters in the company and its very hard to keep track of who they are. You don't really get stuck on any of the characters.

Now the last hour of this film was really good full of action and really pushing the story forward. The film really picks up at like right before they get to Riverdale. I would also like to talk about one of the characters called Radagast the Brown he is being called the JarJar of the Hobbit. He isn't that bad. I just didn't care for the character. On the whole thought this film really let me down. With the poor pacing and the poorly done CGI. Also the story isn't as good as the rings in my opinion. So it hardens my heart to give this score but

3.5 out of 5 Ticket Stubs


Dan O. said...

Fine review. I may still have fleeting doubt for the trilogy, but at the same time, I can't wait to see where it will go from here. Middle Earth is the place to be back for 2012.

Kyle Landwehr said...

I agree with you. I don't want another full trilogy. I think if they would have left at two movies it would have been a lot better film.