August 23, 2013

The World's End

The World's End is the last in the Simon Pegg and Nick Frost films. It is about a bunch of all friends coming back together and trying to complete the golden mile. The golden mile is a pub crawl of 12 bars ending at The World's End. Now when the group all get back to there home town they notice something is different about there home town and madness begins.

Now this film I have been hearing a lot of good buzz around this film and plus I really enjoy the other two films them being Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. So I was expecting something just as good as those two films. Now that being said this film really delivers on a lot of that. This is film is very witty and very funny. I was laughing all the way thought this film. Which is pretty hard to do. Also I really enjoyed Edgar Wright directing style. He was is really good at combining films that don't really belong together. So the tone was actually really good and very well done. Also he was able shoot some of the action scenes really well and they are like is blend of shaky cam that isn't shaky cam it was odd but cool. Now another thing that I really liked was the acting. All the people in the film were great. I mean they all understood what this film was going to be and gave it there all. The actors really do knock this film out of the park.

The script is the only real thing that is like double edged sword in this film. Like the writing is so good. Like the characters that they create are so good and so well realized and just all around fun to watch on screen that when the (spoilers for the rest of the review sorry it needs to be talked about ) Robots come into the film it feels out of place. Like I would have been fine with this film if there was no action and it was a Dramdy. It would have just held its own. So I think the film forgets what it is trying to do and loses some things but I still very much enjoy the film and I am going to give a

3.25 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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