September 6, 2013


Riddick is the third film in the Pitch Black series. Now first off I have never seen the other films so this is coming from somebody that has no knowledge of this series and how it starts. Here is the story in short it is about a man named Riddick (Vin Diesel) has been left on this no named planet to die.

Now this movie was almost three different movies in one. It starts off like I Am Legend. Then it goes into this cat and mouse game with a bunch of mercenaries and then finally ending in with Riddick and the mercenaries fighting together to get off the planet. I really enjoyed the first two part. My liking of the film got less and less as the film went on really. Like when he is on the planet the film is really good. The director was really good at showing the passing of time and was able to keep the tension of the film going. With some pretty cool action scenes. When the mercenaries get there again the tension still there and cool scenes, but the film you can tell is starting to slow down. It was beginning to lose its edge. Then finally by the end of the film I really felt out of the film. Also the film you can tell had a lot lower budget compared to other films. Not saying that the whole CGI thing look awful, but I will say that the motorcycle bike thing that he drives didn't look that cool. Like I think they were trying to make you thing that it was going really fast but it looked like that it was going at a crawls pace. So it came off really funny to me.

So on a whole the film had some really cool scenes. I feel if the film had a more focused script and had a better pace this film would have been a hell of a lot better. So on a whole if your a fan of the Riddick series I say see the film because it does deliver on making Riddick a Badass again, but if you just starting out or you don't like action films what for a dvd/bluray disc.

2 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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