March 4, 2014

300: Rise Of An Empire

This film is the prequel sequel to the smash hit that was 300 done by Zack Snyder. I have found that 300 is one of those films you love or hate. It is a simple film. It's not trying to be this masterpiece of high thinking story-telling. What it was trying to do was give tribute to one of the most visually striking graphic novels of all time. Now that 300 did very well, it was able to create its own style and it is very  much style over substance. I personally love the style of the first film so I knew what to expect going in, visual gore fest of guys kicking the crap out of each other.

Now the film's strongest point is the fact it has a set up world and set up style. The style of the film is the same but different from the first film.  Yes, you get the super slow-mo and hyper CGI looking film, but you can tell the director is not Zack Snyder. I could tell right form the beginning this film wasn't being headed by him, but he was in the background. The camera movements work a lot better and have more of a point. They got rid of the quick zoom in and zoom out thing that the first one. It's still there but not as bad. They use longer takes which gives it a lot more tease moments and you get to see the fighting a lot better. While I am talking about the fighting, Its awesome! I mean if your going to see this film for the fighting you're in good hands.

Now where the film falls apart is the whole story, script and acting. There is a lot wrong in this department. The story is simple. Nothing we haven't seen before. (SPOILERS) It takes place right at the beginning of the last film, but is forced more on the Athens side of the war. So with that you don't see much of the badass Spartans. (END OF SPOILERS) Now another thing wrong with the script is the characters. You don't care about anybody and you don't really get to know anybody expect one character which I will get to. Now the acting is alright they all do what they need to do. The replacement isn't as likable as Gerard Butler was from the last film. He is okay, but if Butler would have still been in that leader role I think it would have been a better film.

Now the saving grace that is the character and acting in this film is Eva Green. Holy hell she was having the most fun in this film. Like, her character was badass for lack of a better word and on top of it she killed it as the head villain. I was rooting for her to win by the end of the film. Not a good thing for the film, but awesome to watch. I would personally want a 300 3 with just her character. My final thoughts; if you enjoyed the first film you should like this film. It's action packed and will get the action junkies' butts into the seats. Everyone else wait for the Blu-ray

2 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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