March 28, 2014


Noah is the next Darren Aronofsky film. It is a retelling of the story of Noah's Ark from the bible. You know, the one where he builds an ark and gets two of every animal on it. And then he watches the world around him drown to death. It stars Russell Crowe as Noah, along with Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Logan Lerman, and Emma Watson.

I am going to do something a little different this review. I am going to talk about a criticism of the film or at least a criticism to certain people. The story is based off the story in the bible. Now if your looking for an epic Noah film that is just the story put on film, this is not your movie. They do take liberties with the story. I personally really enjoyed it for that. Now the acting in the film is very well done. Some don't really get their chances to shine, but everyone does very good in their roles. The big ones in my eyes were Crowe and Connelly. Both had big moments and both knock it out of the park. With Crowe you can see how some of the things he had to do really effected him. Which I found to be amazing. It made the character part of the film amazing.

Although Crowe had top bill, Aronofsky was the star of the film. He knocks out of the part with this film. The film is almost like two films to me. The first half of the film felt like that big bible Cecil B. DeMille epic and the second half of the film felt like The Black Swan and The Wrestler. Now I don't think the two films mixed very well, but if we are looking at them as different movies both are done perfectly and with class. My major problem with the film is the script. I'm not saying that the script is bad though. They use symbols, dialogue and themes perfectly through the entire film.  The thing that it does wrong though is the huge plot holes in the film. Now I don't know if that is source material or the writers, but they are problems with the film.

This is a very good film. All together, if you like Aronofsky's other films you will feel right at home with this one. I would also like to add if you aren't a religious person this film keeps you mind and you should still be able to watch this film without feeling like you betrayed your beliefs.

3.25 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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