August 22, 2014

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Sin City when it first came out had a very unique look and style. Which of course made me love it. I really enjoyed its use of Film Noir like stories with its beautiful use of black and white style. Now that movie came out in 2005 and now it's 2014 and the Sequel has finally come out. Most of the actors return from the first film. Like Micky Rourke as Marv and Jessica Alba as Nancy and there a few others, but there are some new names added to the list being Eva Green, Joseph Gordan-Levitt and Josh Brolin. Much like the film before it is broken up into 3 main stories and one very short opening story. The thing that is different about this one is that. The A Dame to Kill for being the centerpiece and takes up a lot of the screen time. Unlike last time where they were all pretty equal in length. The acting in this film was very really the highlight of these films, but they are a few in the bunch that I think do very well in their characters. Those two being Micky Rourke returns as Marv and Eva Green as Ava Lorde. Marv is an awesome character and whenever he is one the screen something really dark and cool happens or something really action packed fun happens. He shows up in every story of the film be it for a bit but he is still there. Rourke really looks and feels like the character and just like last time knocks out of the park. Eva Green, is like the Queen of Frank Miller sequels last year she had 300 and now this. She was great then as a warrior and here as a femme fatale. Places it perfectly and is very enjoyable to watch all the way thought her section. Now my problem with the film really comes to how Rodriguez put the film together. The pace is really off. The look and the tone are great. Still feels like sin city and looks like sin city. I really think the three story motif hurt them here. The two added sections and a Dame to kill for just did flow together and just weren't woven very well. Levitt's story felt very underdeveloped, be it a cool story just by the end felt very unnecessary. Alba's story was also good, but makes a huge plot hole in the first film. I think the only really well done story is the center piece, but even that has its own problems. The ending of it felt very rushed. Overall I think the film would be a solid rent. If you liked the first one you will enjoy this one as well, but it doesn't live up to what the first one did.
Are you guys a fan of stylized films like this or do you prefer the more modern look?
RATING 2.5 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.

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