October 3, 2014

Gone Girl

Gone Girl is the next Ben Affleck film. The film was based on the book with the same title written by Gillian Flynn. The film tells the story of Nick Dunn (Affleck) waking up in the morning of his and his wife's Amy (Rosamund Pike) anniversary. The happy morning for the couple turns to dread when Nick finds his wife is missing.

Let me start this review off saying this I am a huge David Fincher fan. He is one of my top three favorite directors of all time. I have seen all of his films and will say Seven is one of my all time favorite films. So if you want to take everything I say with a grain of salt you can. David Fincher knocks the film out of the park with his direction of the film. The tone of the film is perfect nothing truly feels out of place. He also wisely really chooses a great subtext about the film concerning how the media (oh the irony of writing this) can really control how people think of you. The script of this film is great. It has a great three act structure. Each act truly has a point and has a end. Which is super important to the story. I also really enjoyed the fact that I had no idea how the film was going to end. I know the book ending was changed, but I loved the ending to the film. It does one of my favorite things which is ending where it started.

The acting and characters were very well done. Affleck was so good in the film. He gives a great performance. He doesn't have a very big moment, but he makes you really see the character and what he is going through. You know every emotion the man feels, but the film doesn't just tell you. Affleck physical posture does that. Pike for me was always a really hard pill for me to swallow. I just never thought she was that good. Well after this film Pike and the character of Amy makes me want to review everything she has ever done. Amy maybe one of my favorite female characters of all time. This is one of the characters I wish I should have written. I loved everything about her. Pike just kills it as her. Affleck maybe getting all the press, but the performance from Pike was just pure amazing. I do have one character and actor that I have problems with. No, its not Tyler Perry he was very good in the film. It's sadly NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) I felt like he was just missed casted as him. The first time he speaks feels very wooden. Then after that he has this really odd moment with Pike. I am not sure if he was supposed to come off as creepy or just a nice guy. The character just felt very off.

This film is perfect thriller and a perfect way to start off my favorite season for movies. I do have some minor nitpicky problems. The third act of the film felt very slow. It maybe because all the thriller aspects and the what's going to happen next feeling had left. It really a was a great ending, but it had a lot of loose ends to tie up and I felt like that part was poorly handled. This film will fit perfectly into Fincher's filmography. It will go right alongside of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It is not as good as Seven or Zodiac, but better than Panic Room.   This film is great for a weekday out at the movies for a weekend if you are looking for a perfectly crafted thriller.

3.5 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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