October 16, 2014


Fury is the next World War II film this time directed by David Ayer of End Of Watch fame. This one centering around a group of 5 men that pilot the US tank Fury. The film stars Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Micheal Pena and Jon Bernthal.

There were 2 WWII films that came out this year. One of them being Monuments Men. I personally didn't really enjoy that film and was very let down by it. I was very excited for this film. It really did a great job of being a war film. I also have to really stress that I went into the this film hoping for just a very good war film. What we got was one of the darkest and grittiest war movie I have ever seen about war.  When it comes to WWII films that are about the war. Saving Private Ryan is one of the best if not the best. Now the D-Day scene in that film is the darkest that film gets I would say, Fury hits the tone of that scene and stays with it. I really got to hand it to David Ayer for this. With that tone he was able to create a group of characters that are very well rounded. You may not like every create in the film and I don't think Ayer really wants you to. He really wanted to show the darkness and the evil that is created from war. He does this with flying colors. Another thing that I really enjoyed about the film was pretty much everything on the production side.  The film looked and sounded so real. I loved the look of this film. I mean I really loved the look of this film. The shots done by Roman Vasyanov(so happy I didn't have to say that because I would have screwed that one up) were beautiful looking. He does my favorite thing again. Giving the film a gray and colorless look until the end. The sound design of the film was also great. It felt like I was being shot at. There was very little that I honestly hate about the film. I loved the score from Steven Price he put a lot of choir singers giving every action scene this super mythological feel. I thought it was a great choice.

The only that I haven't really touched on is the cast. A film with this good of a production crew. Needed a cast that could bring it all to life. I will admit they did it. There is not a bad performance in the bunch. All of the actors really give a great performance.  It's hard to pick a favorite because they are all so very good. Brad Pitt again plays a great war character that is just a leader and someone that the men that has seen the darkest side. Lerman gives a great performance of a good man in a bad situation. The other three also give great and character pervading moments. I have to say my only real problem is the end of the film and the story of the film. The end is a hard topic to talk about without spoiling stuff, but here it goes.  A character escapes a very hard, dangerous spot in a very unbelievable way.  That is all I will say about it just because I don't want to spoil the film. The other part is more of a preference. There is much of a story or mission I would say the crew is doing. I personally don't mind this because it lets the world, characters, and area build and tell the story which is something I love, but I can see if you want a more story driven film.

Fury is a star studded WWII film that shows the real darkness of war. It doesn't glorify these people. It lets the characters tell the story and also has some great tank warfare action. So if you are looking for a dark slower, but a powerful war film this the film for you. I would not be surprised to this film on my top 10 later this year.

3.5 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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