December 25, 2014

Top Ten 2014

Now since this is my top ten films of 2014 this is all my personal favorite films. This means even thought I didn't give it a perfect rating it still may out beat other movies. Also I didn't see everything. So sorry if your favorite film isn't on the list.  I will also post the rating out of how many ticket stubs I think the movie deserves because I didn't do full reviews of all them. Sorry for the last few months with no reviews. November and December a lot comes out and its hard to see everything plus school. So thank you for your support it truly means a lot.

Honorable mentions- Nightcrawler, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Captain America: Winter Solider, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

10) The LEGO Movie- 3.75 out of 4. This pair of directors were on fire this year. They would send a joke minute at you and all of the would hit. They would also put is in tandem with making fun of themselves and actually having a very heartfelt story and great voice acting. If you are of age of course you should there other hit film this year 22 Jump Street.

9) Edge of Tomorrow- 3.75 out of 4 This film was the original film to come out of Hollywood this year. It was well told and had an amazing character arc. It also had a great and very strong female lead in Emily Blunt. Which I always like to see. It was very sad to see that this film underperformed at the box office. It should have made so much more. It's Groundhog Day with Mech suits what is not to like about that.

8) Snowpiecer- 3.5 out of 4. Chris Evans killed it in this film. Another super well made indy film that had a great idea and was very well done. Powerful ending and great action. With another great character arc. This film also underperformed and should have much more then it did. If you are looking for a film to watch and you what action and great story I recommend both 9 and 8. You will not be mistaken.

7) The Raid 2- 4 out of 4 Easily the best martial arts film I have ever seen. I have even been quoted as calling this the Godfather of martial arts films. It will change the face of action with its high intense hand to hand fighting. The other thing is the story and character is are so good you will find yourself lost in this world of crooked cops and gangsters.  

6) John Wick- 3.5 out of 4. Maybe a dumb and really to simple premise for a film, but the style and world and just the overall great action fun that happens in this film is a must see for action junkies like myself.  Keanu Reeves is completely back after seeing this film. This is just a super COOL film and is a great film to watch for both silly fun and great style.

Here we go everyone the Top 5 films of the year for me. There were so many good films this year. I wish I could make much longer list, but ten is the norm for critics. Doing this was very hard this year. Also I am happy to be reporting my next film review will be Kingsmen. I have a early screening passes so look for that. I am love doing this and its been a great year for me as a film fan to go see this great pieces of work.

5) Interstellar 3 out of 4. Great film for me personally. I loved all the 2001 a space odyssey like moments and Nolan fixed all the problems that I had with him in the past. That being of his characters. I never cared about any of the characters that Nolan created. Till now. I was near tears at the end of this film. I know it was bit hard to follow, but I had no problem with this and maybe just a little to long for some, but I had no problems at with this film as well, but still there are 4 films that I thought were much better.

4) Gone Girl- 3.5 out of 4. David Fincher you smart and crazy man you. It was perfectly done dark thriller that would keep you guessing all the way to the end of the film what is going to happen next. Has a super dark and real ending. Also has completely turned me around on an actress that being Rosamund Pike. I never really liked her till I saw her performance as Amy. This is one of those few films were I left the movies going darn I wish I made that film. It looks good, great story and great acting what more do you need.

3) The Babadook 4 out of 4 This film should be called the horror film that could. This film is going to go down as a horror classic. It makes me so happy that is film is getting a lot of love on sites like Reddit and has close to perfect 100 on rotten  Its not just a great horror film, but a great film. It has a great story with amazing acting from the leads. This film also takes the horror genre very serious and wants you look at the deeper into it. It also is truly terrifying. We truly can't get rid of the babadook.

2) Under The Skin- 2.75 out of 4. Don't let that score fool you I absolutely loved this film. It was a horror film with many dark and great symbols. It truly asked the question what do we think is beauty. Top it off with a great lead actress, score and look this is and my number one pick are almost interchanged as best films. This one is just a bet harder for some to digest. Hence it being put back to number 2.

1) Birdman- 4 out of 4. Easily the best film of the year. Not just for the style, the film would have been just as good without it. Funny and insightful this film is truly a masterpiece that you have to see once in your life. I don't want to say to much else about it just see it if you are a fan of films. You will not be upset. This is the film I will be rooting for when awards come around

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