November 5, 2014


Interstellar is the next Christopher Nolan film starring (oh boy here we go) Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine. There are more stars in this film that you will see but I don't really want to spoil parts of the film, because they are so important to the plot. The film is simply put, the earth is dying and we need to find a new place to live. So McConaughey goes and searches for a new planet.

I am a big Nolan fan. I wouldn't go as far as saying and calling me a Nolan fanboy because I do actually hate one of his films and see some flaws on one of his "greatest" film. I will admit thought that the man is somewhat of a genius. I think this film thought maybe his best film to date. I like it more the dark knight as of right now. So if you know me you can probably see where this review is going.  Nolan tells a great realistic space travel film. Which is amazing in of itself. All the characters in the film feel like real people and you want to see them all get thought this. Which is something I think Nolan sometimes has a hard time with. The film looks great. Not just because of the great CGI but the actual look of the shots and how they are composed looked amazing. McConaughey continues to amaze as he has done that past few years. He gives us some great moments with his on screen daughter were you can just feel the emotion going thought the man. I honestly would give this film just a view for his performance. The score was very good. I do have problems with that but I am pretty sure it was just the theater that I was in because I have had this problem with my local theater before, but I am going to mention it just to be sure. Also the fact that I saw the film on a actual film stock just made me love the film even more. Just hearing the flickering of a projecter it in the background just made me feel like a kid again.

Now, this is the section were I usually talk about the problems I see with the film. I personally have no problems with this film. I will repeat. I HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH THIS FILM. I will let that sink in for a minute. But there are a few problems that I can see many people having issue with. This film is super hard to follow. It really dives a lot into wormhole theory and all that jazz. I was able to follow and keep up, but I know many people will hate this film for it. This is basically the same problem that I have with Under The Skin which I loved.  The film is also 3 hours long, but it needs the time to tell the story and set up the world and explain how all this world works. So I am going to give the film a personal score of perfect 4 out of 4 and a second score for everyone else.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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