June 20, 2015

Inside Out

Inside out is the next film by the production studio Pixar. Inside out is about a little girl named Riley, when I say that I mean it is truly is all about Riley and how she thinks and most importantly how she feels. Humans are all run by people that are embodiments of simple emotions. When Joy and Sadness go missing. Riley goes into a downward spiral.

Saying Pixar's films are amazingly animated is almost goes without saying. This film has a wonderful and completely bright amazing style. The film is full of a wonderful array of colors. The script of the film is also filled with the same wit and creativeness that the animation has. This film makes you go thought all the emotions that you meet in the film. You will be happy all the way to sad. It made me laugh and made feel extremely sad for some characters. This film has one of the smartest scripts yet from Pixar. Not only is this concept a brilliant idea, but it is fleshed out and makes a great world. They put little details into this film that only enhance the film and make it better in so many ways. The word that came to my mind after viewing this film was mature. I am not saying that the film is for mature audiences only, but the film just feels very mature. It has a great theme and everything they do in the film just supports the theme. The voice acting of the film is spot on going from Amy Poehler as Joy to Lewis Black as Anger. No one gives a bad performance and are a real treat to watch on the screen.

This is one of the few films that I really don't have many comments on the negative section. The biggest negative part is the adventure part of the film. It isn't as intense as some of the other Pixar films like Wall-E or Toy Story. It is good don't get me wrong, but not to the level of there other films. This film is truly a return to form for Pixar. If your a fan of there earlier work you will not be disappointed.

3.75 Out of 4 Ticket stubs

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