June 21, 2016

Beauty and The Beast (1991)

Beauty and the Beast is the animated musical film done by Disney Anaimation Stuidos in 1991. It is one of the three films to be nominated for best film of the year by the academy. Some people don't really take that to much to heart, but it truly amazing for a film like this to get that. The story is about Belle and the Beast. Belle's father gets lost in the forst and is captured by the beast and held prisoner. So Belle goes and saves him from the beast and takes his place.

Beauty and the Beast is stunning to this day it coming out in 1991 and still looks good. That maybe the Blu Ray update I watched it one but it is one of the best Blu Rays I own. So I highly recommed that buy. I personally love this film. It is my favorite Disney film. I love the characters to the songs to story. The one thing that I think that honestly makes that takes the film from a good kids movie to a just a great film. Is the characters and how well realized they all feel. Belle is one of the strongest leads in Disney history. She goes and save her Dad and wants advanture. Gaston with his looks could be the male lead but is truly a great villain. Then you have my personal favorite King in a Disney film The Beast. All the characters are mirror images of each other. Gaston and Beast are so alike. They are both vine in the beginning and they both are full of rage. They don't know how to be kind, but the Beast changes as to Gaston does not. Beast has a great character arc. The reasons behind Belle and Beast falling for each other also makes a lot of sense. Belle has always been the odd one in town and The Beast was scary. Both of them aren't perfect, but there imperfections is what each other fall for. When you have all this character from your leads. Then you have some of the best side characters in Lumiere and Cogsworth. They are funny and very memorble, but they never steal the story.

The music of the film is unbeileveable. I mean the musical numbers are good, but the musical accompaniment is just on a whole other level when it comes to Disney film. There is always some sort of music in the background and not a single piece of it is bad. All the musical numbers are amazing. Now taste is music is so personal, but "Be Our Guest" and "Beauty and the Beast" are the standout songs that almost everyone remembers. Beauty and the Beast never stops going the film has a relentless pace. Moving from scene to scene so fast. Never getting bored, but never not lingering if it needs to be. Like something I noticed on this viewing is just the acting done by the animators. Like some scene every frame tells emotion of the characters. Beast does this very well. You can see a lot of it in his eyes and I think them cutting to his eyes at the end of the film is a great way for Belle to realize who he is is.

Beauty and The Beast at least to me is the top of the Disney Anaimation stuidos. It looks, feels, and sounds amazing. All the chararters will be remember after the first watch. The romance is one of the best ones done by Disney. The only other film that is close to this one I think is maybe Tangled so that is saying a lot. I hope that the live action version coming out next year is good. From the teaser that was released I think they are at least on the right track. Go and see this film if you haven't seen this film before. Go and Be and Guest at Beasts castle.

4 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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