June 8, 2016

The Conjuring 2

The Conjuring 2 is the sequel to the The Conjuring. James Wan returns to direct this one with of course Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga returning to there roles as the Warrens. This time the Warrens are pushed into the spotlight with the events of the Amityville case and when strange things start to happening to a family in England they must go and help that family there.

James Wan is a very instresting director. He has gone from making very low budget films like Saw and Dead Silence. To making huge box offices smashs like Fast and Furious 7. So its almost needless to say that this man has a lot of talent. I do personally think he fits perfectly into the horror genre as a director just because he is so good at it. The Conjuring was one of the best big budget horror films that has come out in the recent years. This film lives up to the first one in many ways. I thought the smooth direction and set design was one of the best things of that film. Once again those two thing stick out for this film. Wan is the master of the scene he knows how to build teason and keep your holding onto the sides of your chair. Then the house that they designed was one of the creepiest old houses I have ever seen in a film. Just a great work by the set design people. The house felt like it had its own personality.I loved it for this reason.  The acting in the first was very good. This one is no expection. Wilson and Farmiga have great chamisty on scene and look and feel like a real couple. They make you really care for them and you don't want to see them go. Which is the opposite for most horror film main characters.

This film is very good and has a lot of great scares none of them being a false or just a poor mans jump scare. Where this film hurts is the pace of the film and the 2nd to 3rd acts. I think the 1st act was perfect, but slows down a ton in the last two thirds. There really isn't much they could have cut out, but I could still see some stuff that could at the very least been spead up a bit just so we have a more impact climax. The Conjuring 2 is easily a worthy sequel to the original. I had a lot of fun with a good amount thrilles and still saw a good film. It is easily worth your time.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.

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