November 18, 2016

La La Land

La La Land is the next film from Damien Chazelle (Whiplash). The film is a musical, about two people trying to make there dreams come true in hollywood. The film stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone as our two lead. Making this the third pairing of these two on screen. 

This film has a very old style of film making. When I mean old, I mean old as in the fact that this genre of film has been died and gone for a long time. I don't mean the musical because that is still going on today. I mean the style of musical, the movie musical. Movies like Singing in the Rain and On the Town. Where dance and music can truely just move the scene along,  just as words and action do. Damien Chazelle crushes this style. From scene one I knew what type of film this was going to be. I instantly fell in love with it. The color, the hopeful nature, and the just over all magic that can be missing from some films today. The film in shot in really well done long takes. Filled to the brime with great style and emotion. It just has that romantic feel. Which I know has become some what of a dirty word.  The acting from a very small cast was very well done. I personaly have never heard Gosling sing before. So just add it to the mans bag of tricks. He truly is one of the best working actors today, but the star of the film has to go to Stone. She has some of the most heart breaking parts and goes thought the most change by the end of the film. It is close to my favorite performace for her. 

The film has very few problems, besides the one being that it is a musical. People won't enjoy the film if that is not there thing. Even though I think the music in the film is great and very well performed. I have been whistling "City of Stars" the last two day and will getting the soundtrack. Also I do believe the film runs a bit long. There is one scene were the story doesn't really move forward and all the emotional bits you get are done in later scenes. Overall, this film is great send up to those films of the 50s and 40s. If that is something you enjoy and something that you have may have never experienced. This film is great place to start and easily one of the best of the year. 

3.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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