January 20, 2017


Silence is the new film helmed by super famous Martin Scorsese, the film follows two jesuit preists, played by Andrew Garfiled and Adam Driver, in the search for one of their peers played by Liam Neeson who has gone missing and has publicly given up his faith. The film has been in the development for 25 years. Scoresese himself said that he didn't feel up to the task of making the film until now.

This film, effected me on a very personal level. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I had left the theater. Scoreses brings out all of his tricks for this film showing him to be a master class filmmaker. Giving us beautly done moments for all of our characters and truely feeling what our characters go thought in this film. You see the torment, fear, and anger that they have towards their faith. Garfield is the main character and we see his deveolpment the most. He puts on a great performace. Hands down his best acting job that I have seen. The film looks, sounds, and is written amazingly. It is almost pointless for me to say that I loved this film, but dang I loved this film.

This film is a very intresting film to compare to Scorsese's last film The Wolf of Wall Street. My biggest issue with that film was the lenght and the theme that the film was so clearly trying to tell. Many people compeltely missed the point of that film and it does run long. Now with this Scorsese nails the themes of the film, but never over powers the story. He treats his audience with respect and the lenght is completely needed to get the full picture of the story. This is tied for my favorite film of the year. If you want to see a very powerful, but haunting film about faith. Your time will not be wasted with Silence.

4 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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