March 24, 2017

Power Rangers

Power Rangers the big budget film of the massively successful TV show. The film is about five teenagers who don't know anything about each other. Finding five coins inside of a wall of stone and stubbling into a adventure that will cause them to become a team of superheros. The film stars five unknown actors putting the film on there backs with a little help from Bryan Cranston playing the teams mentor Zordon. Then Elizabeth Banks playing the evil villain that the team must face in Rita Repulsa.

I have to come out and say this before I even start this review. I am huge fan of Power Rangers. I can name every season of this show in order. I have watched a good amount of them. So I am not just talking about my love of the Mighty Mophin era. I really love this franchise as a whole. So I went into this film with a lot of worry. I just didn't want this film to be a cash grab where they don't honor any of the things that I loved about the franchise. I am looking at you Ninja Turtles. So when a I left this film. I was happy. I actually watched a good movie. It wasn't just a bunch of random call outs and things to make the fans smile. The film does have call outs, but they aren't forced. It also does some pretty cool things with the lore. The first two thirds of the film is about learning the characters and how these kids are going to save the world. The other good thing is all the actors really bring there A game to the film. The kids are great. I didn't have any problems with them. The story was well done and very well paced. The film is never slow. It is always moving towards an end goal. All the moments that need to feel big are big. It's all done with the respect that I think this franchise needs. In summary, this is great groundwork for, I hope a series to come.

With that all being said this film does have issues. It is by far the perfect Power Rangers film. The first two acts are the best of the film. Learning about the characters, seeing them training, getting to know each other, and becoming a team. My problems ironicly come from the action heavy third act. The action isn't the best filmed. It's not bad, but I know it could be done better. I also thing that there is a big disconnect from the first two acts to the third act. Basically in the smiplest terms the hour and a half is a film, but then the power rangers show up. I know that sounds crazy, but that is how bad of disconnect the film has. I think if they would have moved or added some action into the character stuff the friction between acts wouldn't have been as noticeable. Some of the acting also can be a bit over the top and cheesy from Banks. I personally was okay with it, but I know cheesy acting when I see it.

Overall, this film made me happy it was great to see this. I had a great time with the movie. One of the biggest complaints I can a give film like this is I want there to be more and man I hope we get more. If you don't know who the Power Rangers are you will enjoy the film. If you know who the Power Rangers are then you will also be pleased. I just hope that we see a bit more of them the next go around with some better filmed action.

2.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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