October 22, 2011

Red State

Red State is the latest Kevin Smith film. Smith is know for making Clerks Mallrates and Clerks 2. This his first film that isn't a comedy. He directs the film very well none the less. It never loses the tone. It really is a okay horror movie. It was very dark. The darkest film he has ever made easily. The pacing is okay in this film parts. Some parts are very well done and they film along and others just drag the film down. Also what i like where the characters and the dialog of the film. What really was the biggest hurting factors in this film was the fact there wasn't any main character at all. Like you cant tell who this story is supposed to be about. It really does a good job of telling the event. There is no story. There is no two forces going at each other. Then also the sheriffs of this small town was one of the worse characters of the film. He had no point of being in this film. The story seems to be all over the place and very unstructured. I say if you like Kevin Smith rent the film because like me you have to see if he can do this and he can. But as a film i have to give a pass. It seems like there is a really good movie in this film, but it just needs some touch up.

2 out of 5 ticket stubs

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