January 10, 2012

Arthur (2011)

I have never seen the original Arthur so I had no idea what to get out of this film. It was actually not that bad of a movie. It had its moments were i was just like really, but on a whole it was a very descent film. I did not see the heart of this film coming. It was a descent story and something that i did enjoy watching but i would watch it again. It had its moments were it was only kinda funny and the film is being coined as a comedy then it had to be able to make me laugh thought out the whole film. Russell Brand was pretty good in this movie. What really liked was the girl that played is love interest she was actually not bad. I cant say this movie will be going on shelf for a lot of people, but it is not that bad. If you are looking for a movie to rent form the redbox and you are in the mood for a comedy i say pick it up. Who knows you may really like it.
2.5 out of 5 ticket stubs.

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