January 7, 2012

Tower Heist

Tower Heist is a comedy with Eddie Murphy who has been very hit and miss with me lately. Also stars Ben Stiller who is one of my favorites so i didnt really know what to expect in this but when I came out was a pretty good movie. It has its fault but it on a whole its a really good Heist movie along with a comedy. There is a lot of really good one liners in this film which was where the most of the comedy comes form. I enjoy that comedy a lot and i am pretty sure that was coming for the Director of Brett Ratner he has made the rush hour series. so he has was able to balance the action and the comedy very well. The biggest problems with the film is that is kinda all over the place with the pace and the story is easy to follow but they like forget to tell you information that they expect you to know. Like who is all in the plan to steal the money. Also it is very predictable at what will happen I knew the whole movie before it happened, but i still enjoyed watching the film. It is in no mind a bad movie but no where near a great comedy movie. I say if you are fan of the Director and the stars see it.

3 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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