April 26, 2013

Pain and Gain

Pain and Gain is the next film by Michael Bay now Bay has made some not great movies, but he has made some great movies such as The Rock and my guilty pleasure movie Bad Boys II. So I was hoping this movie would be on along of those type of movies. 

This movie stars Mark Wahlberg and The Rock (in his 3rd movie of the year). They plan to kidnap a rich jerk and make him sign all of his money and things over to them. This movie is based on a true story. Here is the biggest problem with this movie. It is one of the oddest things I have ever seen. The movie plays like a comedy a dark comedy mind you, but still a comedy. So the material is so dark and evil that I feel that this story needs to be told, but not in the way that Bay did it. So another thing is this I  thing the only real movie that this can be compared to is Fargo. I am not saying that this is better than Fargo, but it is in the same idea that Fargo had. That the events that happen on the screen are so nuts that the only way that you would believe it if it actually happened. Fargo actually didn't happen . So right there this is different form the movie and in the fact that this did happen.

Well now that is done I can tell you want I actually thought of the movie. This is a Bay movie it has all the staples. All of his favorite shots. All the slow-mos. All the crazy high constant colors. The movie is actually entertaining to a point. Like The Rock is great in the movie and he is really the only good person out of the main three that you like because the other two are dirtbags. I am not saying that Marky Mark was bad in the film, but you are supposed to feel bad for them and you really can't because of the characters they play. Also this film has problems with length and some of the writing. The movie is about 2 and a half hours long and really didn't need to be that long. It could have been count down to a 1 hour and a half. The writing of the film is all over the place sometimes its actually kind of funny  but I think the credit goes to The Rock playing such a odd character for him.

Now there was a lot of negative in that first paragraph. I still really enjoyed the story of the movie. Like I really wanted to see how this story was going to end. I can't believe I am saying this but I enjoyed a Michael Bay story, but I think it was the fact that it was true and if I would have just read this in a newspaper I think I would have been just as invested. So I think the biggest problems I have stated, but since I did enjoy the film I am going to give it

2.5 out of 5 Ticket Stubs.

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