May 3, 2013

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3. Let the summer movies begin. Iron Man 3 is next and possible last Iron Man movie. Was it good? I will touch on that more later.  Tony Stark (Robert Downy Jr.) is having some issues form his experiences in New York. When the next super villain comes and that is Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin.

Now with this movie we have got a new Director at the helm and that being Shane Black. This movie really is his baby. Form the way this movie begins to the way this movie ends. You know he had his hands in the writing (Which he did) and his very cool style  (the dude is obsessed with christmas). His style was about to match the Iron Man universe very well. His pacing is really good he keeps the film rolling along very well. The tone is very cool. Black's odd sense of humor fits perfect here, but I did feel that there was a lot of humor in this one. Which is odd because this is also the most story driven one and darkest one of the 3 Iron Man movies. All the acting in this film was great. Ben Kingsley was awesome and Robert Downy Jr. is Tony Stark so he of course just as good as he always is. Without giving anything away this films best scene to me was the Airplane scene and if you seen the trailer you know what I am talking about.  Also this film is the most comic booky of all the Iron Mans. Which to me is a big plus and the last I would say 20 to 30 minutes has some very cool and great action.

Now not spoiling anything this film is going to split a lot of fans into two different camps.  It changes something and if your a fan of the books your gonna be seriously pissed off, but if you can ride it out I think you will have a good time still. I really did enjoy the movie and almost everything in the film and it is a lot better than Iron Man 2. Actually this maybe my favorite Iron Man. Now saying that well thinking that is going to be a 5 out of 5 right here, but there is some problems. The problems in the film are actually very hard to fine. The problem is that some of the stuff they do is just okay. Its not bad, but its just underdone. It could have just been done better is what I am trying to say so with that being said I think my rating for the film is going to be

4 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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