May 10, 2013

The Great Gatsby (2013)

The Great Gatsby this is the fourth attempt to put this classic American book to the big screen and did they do what they were set out to do. The answer to the question is yes and no. The story centers around a group of characters the three leads being Jay Gatsby (Leo DiCaprio) Nick Carraway (Tobey Magiure) and Daisy Buchanan (Carey Mulligan). The story if you don't is mainly about a love triangle between Jay and Daisy and the person Daisy is married to.

This film has a lot to talk about first the CGI in the film is great it looks really great and you get to see some amazing scenes and some amazing looking sites. Also I really enjoyed Leo he play Gatsby very well I thought. He was very likable and very fun to watch on screen like he always is. I do believe his acting was better in Django, but that is most because he was such a good bad guy. Sorry got off topic there. I also thought that Joel Edgerton (plays Mr. Bucahana) he was a great dick(for lack of a better word). I really didn't like him by the end of the film. Also I thought the script was very good. The part where they are just sitting around and talking is very good and interesting. The film was filled with a lot of really good lines. After watching the film I really would like the read the book. It makes you want to go out and read the source martial.

Okay this film has some problems and they are big ones. I think the biggest was the Direction and the editing. Baz Luhrmann has a very specific way he wants his films to look. The film is a visual onslaught. After away the film gets to your head and it give me a little bit of a headache, but then you finally get used to all the CGI and over the top set pieces. This is the biggest problem with the film. Luhrmann was so into his visuel aspect with the film.  That a lot of things don't mix well. The style of Luhrmann doesn't fit the script. Most of the time I love super stylized movies but this film not so much. Also the editing felt really choppy. Their is a lot of super fast edits and he doesn't anything really soak in. Also I don't Magiure did that great of a job. I don't think he was bad but his character could have been played by almost anybody I felt. This film is very decent. It has nothing really memorable about it.   So for that I am going to give the film.

3 out of 5 ticket stubs.

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