May 30, 2013

Now You See Me

Now You See Me is the baby of Ocean's 11 and The Prestige. It is about a group of 4 magicians that pull off a series of robbers using there powers of misdirection.  The film stars a lot of people. It would take awhile to list everybody, but the main role in the film is played by Hulk. I am uhmm Mark Ruffalo and is directed by the guy (Louis Leterrrier) that brought us the The incredible Hulk movie and I find that terribly funny but that's just me.  

To what I thought was good about the film. The film had a cool idea for a story and had some really good twists and turns in the plot. So that is the main thing about the film that I really enjoyed which was the plot. It is what really keeps you engaged in the film. Its not the interesting characters or the good dialoge, but the plot that is the showboat of the script. Another thing that you can put in the good column is the stars in the film. Everybody played there roles very well and gave it there all I felt. They all had really good chemistry which each other. Which really helped this film because it would have been hard to sit thought if they didn't.

Now the director I feel didn't do the best job that he could with the script. I think he thought that the script was smarter then it actually was. He tried to make your mouth drop with all the twists and turns and I am not saying that I wasn't like okay I kind of didn't see that coming, but by the end of the film I could totally see where the film was going. So it starts to lose the only card up its sleeve (see what i did there). I also really didn't like the DOP on the film I am not saying that it is shot bad or its on shaky cam the whole time. He just did so much camera movement. I think he was just moving the camera to move the camera and it started to make me sick to myself. So this film tried to be Ocean's 11 and The Prestige's baby and it to me it missed the mark by a ton. So I would say keep your money and wait for the DVD if you really want to see it.

2 out 4 Ticket Stubs.

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