October 5, 2013


Gravity is a space thriller. It is about a crew of astronauts that are working on the Hubble telescope. When a ton of space junk comes and hits the ship and the telescope sending the astronauts in a bunch of trouble. The film stars really only two people George Clooney and in the main role is Sandra Bullock.

First off the film is CGI masterpiece. Guys I am not kidding when I say I could tell what was a CGI effect or a built set. It is also helps that this film is amazingly shot. The opening shot of the film is one of the longest takes in have seen in a awhile. Like the director Alfonso Cuaron loves to do this and it works so well for the movie. This movie is really his master piece like he is the star of the movie. Like I don't think this movie would have worked without this director. He was set a tone in one shot. Easily my favorite opening shot of the year so far. The shot goes on for about 20 minutes but it was amazing. This is one of the most tease films of the year. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie. Now the acting by Bullock and Clooney was very good. I really enjoyed them you really felt for Bullock because I mean who would want to be in this situation. Clooney felt like a old and awesome old astronauts. I also loved the music for the film. It was beautiful score and very good use. Which leads me into the point about sound it is soundless for parts which just draws you in more and more. I also say go see the movie in IMAX and 3D this is what it was made for spend the extra money.

My only complaint is hard to explain but I will try to explain the best I can. So the writing in the film is good, but I feel like it couldn't be used that well. There is so much in the film going on with the action that the great and awesome writing can really show up for the great parts. There is like one scene of character development  and they needed more and I wanted more.  Everyone needs to go see this movie much like Prisoners.

3.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.

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