April 18, 2014

Under the Skin

Under the Skin is about...ahh how do I tell you the story without really ruining the film. Well here let's actually start with this film stars Scarlett Johansson. It only stars her. She is a alien on the hunt for lonely men. I am mixing it up this time around. I am going to talk about how this film is and then talk about if I enjoyed it or not.

This film is art house film or at least has a ton of art house qualities. So this film really knows its audience. It treats the audience as an adult and lets you know figure out the film on your own. It doesn't try and spoon feed you the story. It also lets the acting and visual aspect tell the story. I didn't even catch Johansson's the character name (Laura). I had to look it up on IMDB. Jonathan Glazer the Director puts you in the shoes of Johansson. So with all that said if this sounds like you would enjoy a film were you have to thing and having every little detailed explained to you. This film will not be for you.

Now personally, I enjoyed the hell out of this film. I mean I have been waiting to see a film done like this for awhile. Johansson to start is amazing in her role. The last half of the film you don't even hear her actaully speak words, but you still feel like you know what is going on in the this characters mind. Glazer did an amazing job with all the shots done in this film. They are all done with purpose and give the tone of this very dark and tense film. Not a lot actually happens in the film, but at the same time you don't need much to happen and you are never once bored thought out the film. The character is always changing with all the things she learns and sees. The pace of the film is slow, but like I said it is never boring. You will be locked in your chair for a good hour a half.

Now with that all said and done. You are most likely excepting I high score from me. Well my personal enjoyment of the film is very high (I mean I really loved this film). This film is not for everyone like I have stated earlier. You don't watch this film to loose yourself for a bit. You go to see this to think and talk about film. So basically if you like to look at film and say this means something. This film is tailor made for you, but for everyone else you should most likely skip it.

2.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs
Personal Rating 4 out of 4

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