May 9, 2014


Neighbors is basically a prank war film. I am not sure if that is a genre of film, but it is now. Thats basically all that really happens in this film. I will admit there is actually a story and actaully pretty good one. It stars Seth Rogan and Zac Efron.

I think I  should really start with the star of this film. Seth Rogan, really is a comic genius in my eyes and is very good. He can do both a very powerful comically role, write and even do some drama as seen in 50/50.  He really brings his charm to this film. He makes scene work, that just wouldn't work written down on paper. I mean he is very funny in this film. This whole film is very funny from start to finish. You will be laughing and having a very good time. Now I would also like to say the director of the film was good. I mean really good actually. He does a lot of things with to give it a great style. Which is huge complement coming from me since this is a comedy film. The tone is really knocked out of the park. I have no real complaints in the tone department. I do have a minor complaint about the pace of the film. I think it slows down for a little bit, but not to many will notice it. I just have to make it known.

Now my problems aren't really problems with the film. The first thing I want to say that I noticed is the story. It actually has some underline stuff which I thought was very smart. Like the story is good, but I don't think they really went far enough with in the story. The film really knew its audience so to that I have to give them a thumbs up, but they were trying to tell the audience something and I don't think they will notice. Also another thing is Zac Efron, who is good in the role. I mean he really is good. Nothing but praise from me, but I think other people could have given the same performance. He, to me, really didn't bring much to the role. Like I could see (pre Jump Street) Channing Tatum play this role  and get the same result. Also I don't think the film is very memorable. Not saying that its bad. Just not memorable. So with that the film will leave you with a smile on your face, but then you will make wanting to see another comedy with in the next few days.

2.75 out of 4

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