May 2, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the follow up to Marc Webbs The Amazing Spider-Man. The film stars Andrew Garfield in the title role of Spider-Man and Emma Stone in the role of Gwen Stacy. So from besides the cast of the original film we get the addition of 3 villains. Paul Giamatti as the Rhino, Dane DeHaan as the Green Goblin, and Jamie Foxx as Elecrto. This is also the start of the summer season, so let us hope that this film is a good sign for the season.

Well, to start off Spider-Man is my favorite superhero of all time. I love character to death. He is one of my fictional heroes. So with that being said, this version of Spider-Man was perfect. I am talking about the character here not what I think of the film overall just the character. It really felt like Spider-Man and it felt like I was watching a Spider-Man film. Like Webb honestly for me, nails the tone of a Spider-Man film. Light hearted with just enough drama in Peter Parkers life to keep people interested and having actually dealing with the problems of being a superhero. You don't need to make him a dark character like the first one. He is not Batman, don't try and make him that. So in regards of tone and character. I think it really hits it out of the park. Also the score done by Hans Zimmer is one of my favorite scores of the year. It really is great music and feels like a Spider-Man theme.

Here we go and people this really hurts me. Like it hurts me so much I don't even want to write this part of the review. I didn't like this movie as a whole. Sadly. The story of the film is awful. I mean bad, way to bloated. There is at least 6 story lines in this film. It could have been easily cut down to 2. The way that the characters are done and built is very well done. I mean almost perfectly so, but the when the action starts you would blink and you would miss it, because it has to do 5 other stories to tell. Also all the cool action was shown in the trailer. So I won't be putting the trailer in this review just because I want to save some of your enjoyment. There was just so much of what could have been a really good and lovable film it just hurts me to see what we got. So if you are a fan of the characters and good music go see it. Just so I can see a better 3rd try at my favorite web head.

1.75 out of 4

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