November 14, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World is the sequel to Thor. It stars all the people from the first film and is directed by Alan Taylor.  The story of this film is simply. The dark elves have come back form the deepest parts of space. They come to destroy and put the world back into darkness using the Aether.

What this film had going for it was the director and the cast of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. I loved Hiddleston in this damn movie. I mean I almost thing he really saves the film for me. The man truly loves the role and you can tell. Then Hemsworth really is Thor. It will be really hard to ever replace that man. Then there play back and forth was so prefect and well timed. I mean every time Loki (Hiddleston) is on screen he just kills it. You actaully really care for his character in the end of the film. Also the direction by Taylor works so well you get that super fantasy and epic feel from his background work Game Of Thrones. The action which there is a lot of comes fast and hard and very well shot. I also thought the pace that he set in for he film worked over all.

Now this film has a few really big problems. I biggest problem with the film was the tone. Its not like it is a dark tone and it just didn't work but it was the villains. Like the villains were this super sci-fi bad guy. Like there were moments when I was swear I was watching Star Wars. SPOILERS DO NOT READ HERE ON IF YOU DON'T WANT THINGS SPOILED. I WILL PUT READ HERE FOR NO SPOILERS.  The moment when a star ship comes flying in and starts to shoot lasers at the the home base and almost destroys it. Really took me way out of the film and if you get pulled out of the a Thor movie it must be something that is really out of place. READ HERE. Now there are other problems with the film as well. Like I said above the back and forth between Loki and Thor is amazing and perfect.  I wanted so much more of it. Like that was the moment in the film that I realized I was watching a comic book movie and it felt so good, but it comes and goes sadly.

My final thoughts are this Thor: The Dark World is a good action film for Nov. I think if you enjoyed the first you will really enjoy this film and if you didn't like the first one. You may like this one better. It isn't the best Marvel movie but it is still a good time at the movies.

2.5 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

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