July 27, 2015


Southpaw is a boxing drama film directed by Anotine Fuqua and starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Forest Whitaker. With Rachel McAdams in the female lead role. The story is Billy Hope (Gyllenhaal) is the light-weight champion of the world. He is the best and undefeated, but when a massive tragedy happens. This sends him on a downward slope losing everything. As you get to watch him fight for everything again.

To start off, I loved the style of this film. It was so gritty and super real. Like it had that quality to where you never thought you were watching a film. Just like a behind the scene documentary on this boxer and his life. The film was really well shot with having a lot of dark and muted colors having that greyscale look to it which I personally love. Fuqua also handled the whole film very well. The tone was constant at keeping that gritty feeling. Also, the pace was very well done. It was a two-hour film and felt like two hours of content, but was never boring. Gyllenhaal is the main selling point of this film for a lot of people. Everyone wants to see this film for his performance. Was it good? It's Gyllenhaal so of course he was good. Better than good I would say great. He really truly becomes the character and loses himself the role mentally and physically. It really is an impressive performance and he is likable all the way through the film. Also, James Horner had a very good score and it's sad that we had to lose a great composer.

There are few problems with this film. It really comes down to the script. The plot you can see coming from a mile away. It follows all the boxing stories that you have seen before. The one good thing about that is that it does those things so well that you don't seem to mind that much, but still nothing new there if you were looking to see something with a smart twist or something of that nature. The characters are held up by good performances but aren't written the best. Like I think the actors added a lot to the characters. Which is a good think it's just something I noticed. So in the end the film that I knew was going to have an amazing lead performance and very well styled direction had those in spades but loses a lot for being nothing new.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.


Vacation is the continuation of the highly successful Nation Lampoon's Vacation. This one follows the story of Rusty Giswold taking his family to Walley World. The film stars Ed Helms as Rusty Christina Applegate as his wife and Leslie Mann as Audrey Giswold.

This a remake and continuation of the series and it does that to a key. The film never loses that over the top misadventure of driving to a theme park. The one thing that I personally was happy with that it very much feels like a Vacation film, but it does have its own feel due to how gross-out meters changed because of other films. It does make you laugh a lot of the time, but it is all the same type of jokes. I can tell that this would be a good film to go see with friends. Just because everyone can enjoy it once. If you are a fan of the film series there are enough easter eggs that you will enjoy it just for that alone.

Now this is going to be a super short review because there really isn't much to talk about. This film is going to change you if you don't like these types of movies. Run away. You won't change your mind if you see this film and it will just be a waste of your time. I thought this film had its moments, but the trailer gave away to many of the good jokes and this doesn't have many quotable lines. I still had fun with this for what it was, but I think next time I will pass a Vacation.

1.5 out 4 Ticket Stubs

NO TRAILER, to many Spoilers.

July 21, 2015


The Pixels, the full-length film based on the short film made by Patrick Jean. Starring Hollywoods latest picked on man Adam Sandler. I used to be a fan of Adam Sandler films, but he has been on a the biggest down slope for the longest time. The story of the film is the United States sent up a video into space showing the culture of the 80's. In this video, they showed off older arcade games. Now it's 2015 and they believe this to be a declaration of war. So they make the war into a game and the only people to stop them are Adam Sandler (Same Benner), Kevin James (Will Cooper), Josh Gad (Ludlow Lamsoff) and Peter Dinklage (Eddie Plant).

Sandler and the Happy Madison crew have been a rut. Not making any good films. Not making any huge amount of money. In general, sadly, just wasting a lot of peoples time. This film, I think, is the light at the end of the tunnel. This film is nothing short of Oscar worthy compared to his last few films. The film overall has this great 80's feel to it. It shot like an 80's film and has the story of an 80's film would have. Even has the classic 80's score. Which all makes sense given the what the film is about. It feels a ton like Ghostbusters or at least steals a lot of the story beats. The comedy is good, but more on that later. All the actors get the shine in their own way which I personally liked. No one really steals the show, but it doesn't feel phoned in. Also, the film has a few very funny and cool cameos that I will not spoil for you. They all worked really well together on screen. The film's director Chris Columbus made a very sharp looking film and did a good job of switching tones from being funny to more light-hearted to action packed. The film also never really felt slow and always keep the story moving. I also will mention the CGI  having a very cool look and pixel look. Just because of its source.

The comedy of the film was good like I mentioned, but it isn't "I was rolling on the ground funny". It does miss. It misses a few times, but not enough for the film to not be good. It needed just bit more of the stronger jokes in the some areas. Also, the world building wasn't done well enough. I first off can't believe I am saying that in an Adam Sandler film, but back to the review. They do some things that I am happy they do, but they don't explain how they are done or shown. They make sense in the context of the film but still should have been shown. It's like they did 3/4 of the work but forgot about that last 1/4.  Also, this film is a very recycled film from Sandler, which to me is not a bad thing, but it also isn't anything fresh. Overall, this film feels like older Sandler film going back to the days of Wedding Singer, but with a Ghostbusters skin over it. Having good jokes well still having a heart to the story.

2.25 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

July 20, 2015


Ant-Man the worlds smallest superhero. This is the next film for Marvel and the start of Phase 3. The film stars Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas. The story follows Scott Lang (Rudd) who is a man down on his luck after being released from prison. Till Hank Pym needs him to steal some stuff that could possible  have huge negative effects on the world.

Marvel, Marvel, Marvel. I have to hand it to you guys. After hearing that Edgar Wright had left the project. I thought this was going to be your first major miss. I was so wrong. This film was a very well made film. The film had great characters and just  perfect casting for Hank Pym in Michael Douglas. I want more of him in the films down the line. I doubt I will see it, but a man can dream. I really enjoyed the way they took this film. It wasn't your typical superhero film. It wasn't that "I got to stop this bad guy by beating him up" type of story. This truly was a heist film it just had a lot of Superheroes in it. This is much like how Winter Solider was a political thriller with superheroes in it. All the actors were very good. No one in the main cast really missing a beat. Rudd was great as Lang to match the perfect acting done by Douglas. Rudd is a very much welcomed addition to Marvel team. The film is also funny which is good, but I have more to say on this later. Also the action in the film is very impressive just cool to watch and very well done.

Now, the negatives of this film. I am starting to get sick of the comedy that Marvel is putting into its films.  This film it worked, just because they know how nuts this all is. Like its kind of that we realize how odd and off the is off the wall this situation is funny. But I hope there next film is more serious. I am not saying not to have wit, but tone it down. The other big problems with the film is this film is very, very recycled. Big time with the villain it isn't a bad performance, but just nothing memorable about him. This one is once again just very well made film like all the other Marvel superhero films. Which is I am starting to get sick of sadly. I personally think that Marvel films are going to see a decline soon and not just Marvel film, but Superhero films in general. Only time can tell. But this film luckily, for us is still a great time at the movies.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

June 20, 2015

Inside Out

Inside out is the next film by the production studio Pixar. Inside out is about a little girl named Riley, when I say that I mean it is truly is all about Riley and how she thinks and most importantly how she feels. Humans are all run by people that are embodiments of simple emotions. When Joy and Sadness go missing. Riley goes into a downward spiral.

Saying Pixar's films are amazingly animated is almost goes without saying. This film has a wonderful and completely bright amazing style. The film is full of a wonderful array of colors. The script of the film is also filled with the same wit and creativeness that the animation has. This film makes you go thought all the emotions that you meet in the film. You will be happy all the way to sad. It made me laugh and made feel extremely sad for some characters. This film has one of the smartest scripts yet from Pixar. Not only is this concept a brilliant idea, but it is fleshed out and makes a great world. They put little details into this film that only enhance the film and make it better in so many ways. The word that came to my mind after viewing this film was mature. I am not saying that the film is for mature audiences only, but the film just feels very mature. It has a great theme and everything they do in the film just supports the theme. The voice acting of the film is spot on going from Amy Poehler as Joy to Lewis Black as Anger. No one gives a bad performance and are a real treat to watch on the screen.

This is one of the few films that I really don't have many comments on the negative section. The biggest negative part is the adventure part of the film. It isn't as intense as some of the other Pixar films like Wall-E or Toy Story. It is good don't get me wrong, but not to the level of there other films. This film is truly a return to form for Pixar. If your a fan of there earlier work you will not be disappointed.

3.75 Out of 4 Ticket stubs

June 11, 2015

Jurassic World

Jurassic World, is the next film in the Jurassic Park series. The film had been in development hell since 2005. So it's great to see the film series' return to the box office again. The film is directed by Colin Trevorrow and stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. In the male and female leads. The plot is that it takes place after the failings of the first park and now, the park has finally been opened as the trailers have said. So thing goes terrible wrong as many Jurassic films tend to do.

Chris Pratt, really shines in this film. He is the star of the film not saying Howard was bad or anything, but Pratt really does really great work in the film. He is easily the most interesting character the film has to offer. When he is on the screen the film really just clicks and feels like a great summer action blockbuster. The score of the film also should be mentioned, Michael Giacchino had some big shoes to feel when it comes to replacing John Williams. He does very well as the composer of the film. I liked a lot of the pieces he had thought out the film. Then finally the CGI of the film was very impressive. All the Dinosaurs feel like they are actually on the screen and have a lot of texture and detail to them. Which is leagues above the third Jurassic Park film. So you can really see how far we have come in technology.

Now, don't get me wrong when I say this, but I actually did enjoy this film. At least an hour of it. I thought it was a fun summer blockbuster, but that is truly about it.  I personally will never watch this film again. The characters and script of this film are not the best. Like I said before Pratt really shines because he was the only character that had a good plot and was a well written character. Howard's acting was good, but had a terrible introduction so I never was attached to her character. The kids of the film also have nothing intersecting besides a plot that we have seen a million times and have way too much backstory that takes away from the main plot of the film. This whole film just felt way too busy and was a just a mix bag of stories that got thrown to together because it changed so many hands. I will give massive props to Trevorrow, who I could tell was a big fan of the original film. Giving tons of nods to the first one and showing some great recreations of scenes that we all know and love.  My closing thoughts on this film is that it feels like a lot of wasted potential. Going from doing something very cool and smart back to being mind numbingly stupid the next. The film really tries to uncover the bones of the first one, but only barely scratching  the surface.

1.5 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

May 29, 2015


Entourage is based off the HBO show and is following the end of the show. It stars all the characters from the show and takes place right after the show. The story is Vincent has been given the chance to be a first time director and take on this new huge project. This is the story of the normal crew and their misadventures as they get this film made. The film stars all the cast from the showing returning to their roles and adding a few stars. Such as Billy Bob Thornton.

Now, the problem with films that based off the show and are continuing the story from the show. Is that it effectively splits your audience in half. I watch a lot of shows, but was I never able to see an episode of Entourage. I also, love it when a show gets to continue its story if the ending isn't the best or didn't really have one or just wants to continue telling stories of these characters. I am looking at you Serenity/Firefly, Star Trek, and the latest Veronica Mars feature, but when it's the first film like this one is you have to explain a lot of back story. So the people who haven't seen the show well know what is going on. Entourage does a nearly perfect job of this. The first 30 minutes of the film tells you the back story of the characters and fleshes them out so you get to know who each one of these guys are. They also made a great comedy plot. Which all takes place in the "real" world of LA. This film was very funny for someone who has never seen the show and I can only assume that is better for people that have seen the show all the way to its end. All the jokes land if you are in to the over top comedy style of the show.

My biggest problems of the film is that a lot of plot is very slowly shown thought out the film. It feels like a longer version of the TV show. Which is sadly probably what it is. The main plot doesn't really move. Its there and contest, but doesn't go anywhere till the last bit, which wraps up everything very fast. Also if you don't like the comedy of the show, you should avoid the film as well. They don't change that in the slightest. At least that is what I have been told from friends who have seen the show. Now, I would recommend this to fans of the show. They have easter eggs and story ends to all the characters. I would also recommend this to people who wanted to watch the show and just ever got around to seeing it. It has that Tropic Thunder like metahumor that I personally really enjoy and if you like that film. I think you will enjoy this one as well.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

May 15, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road is the sequel to Beyond Thunderdome and is the reboot to the Mad Max franchise. So if you don't know much about the franchise it is an post apocalyptic world where gas and water is the most valuable things you can have. It stars Tom Hardy as Max (replacing the Mel Gibson) Charlize Theronm who shares the opening credit title card with Tom Hardy (more on that later) and Nicholas Hoult. The story is your basic we need to get this group of people to to this area. Basically becoming the one of the worlds longest chase scenes.

I am gonna start with the negatives before I get into the positives about this film.  One of them being that this film is a genre film. It is an action film start to finish. It is a insane action film start to finish. Heavy on the insane or Mad... I couldn't help myself. So if this isn't your genre, you may want to skip this one. Also the writing is the weakest part of the film. Not bad, just the weakest part. That's it for the negatives. Time to gush.

This film is the best action film of the year. The only other one that is a contender is Kingsmen. This film is a masterpiece. Everything this film tries to do works. It does to a masterpiece quality. The acting in this film is perfect. Hardy is great as Max. A very good replacement for Gibson. The star of the film thought really is Theron. Her character has a great arc and the best moments in the film. Really stealing the show from Hardy. I was glued to the screen every time she did something. Furiosa (Theron's character name) is gonna go down as one of the great women of cinema. Up there with Ripley and Sarah Connor. I am telling you now. The action of the film is perfect. This is the my type of car film. The stunts they do can only be described as beautiful chaos. Everything they do, you are gonna want to see again and again. Plus it is mostly all practical effects. Those cars are really there flipping. I have been quoted as one of those guys that says that "they don't films like they used to". This film made me shut the hell up. George Miller is the man by the end of this film. Your gonna say watching  this film and saying just how did they do that,  more times then you can count. All the characters are strong. Including all the smaller characters. The film also looks amazing. I knew that from the trailer, but there are shots that just took my breath away. This maybe the best of summer. Done Gushing I swear.

I am not a fan of this series. I have only seen one of them. Two counting this one. I understood the film all the way thought so you don't need to see the others to get this one. So for the love of God gives this film money. So that we can get more films made this way. My rating for the is film is of course is

4 out of 4 Ticket Stubs


Spy, is the next Melissa McCarthy comedy action film. It is directed and written by Paul Feig. The film stars actually a lot people Jason Statham, Rose Byrne and Jude Law. The film is about a women who you think couldn't be a spy being a spy.

You can tell right off the opening credits scene and opening sequence what this film is satirizing. He is totally going for a James Bond film. They do your standard get your mission from M and then goes to get gadgets from Q. In this the film really nails. They did a good job at looking like James Bond film. The story works on all levels its not overly done, but still written well so that you can enjoy the film. Now, I am not the biggest fan of Melissa McCarthy. I personally believe she can't be the lead in a film. She has one thing and sticks to it. Never doing anything different and changing up her style of comedy. Which is funny, but for me only stays funny for so long. This happened with the film Tammy. She gets in a mode and doesn't turn it off. So I wasn't expecting much on the comedy side of this film. To my pleasant surprise is really pulls back form her normal style. Of making really long winded jokes. She plays more of he straight man in this film. Don't get me wrong she does have her moments and when they come up its great to see, but the film isn't solely that which made me very happy and laughing for most of the film.

The biggest problem of the film is the fact that Jason Statham does do much in the film. He is funny but he never adds to the film beyond that. It also does drag a bit in the middle. So the pace is a bit off in the film. Overall this film is a very well made comedy film that has a very Austin Powers feel. If Austin Powers was a bit more serious. We have seen the postmodern version of James Bond with the Kingsmen this year and now we have the satire with this film. Still to come a real James Bond film. If you like Melissa McCarthy and her style you will enjoy this film. If you like just you basic raunchy comedy you will enjoy this film. But that is all that is really here. Nothing more nothing less.

2.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

April 26, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron is the sequel, ending of phase 2, or next part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As a big fan of comic books. The fact I get to type out that sentence is amazing. It stars, a cast. Seriously the cast is amazing. All the characters return from the last films. No one has been replaced, but they do add a few people which is the ones a I want to talk about. They add Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Quicksilver, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, Paul Bettany as The Vision, and James Spader as our villain Ultron. Ultron is a creation of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Which goes out of control and tries to destroy the world.

To start off, I would like to talk about the acting and the characters. The film really picks up were the Avengers left off. It takes the character moments that we loved from the first on and expanded on them. That I can tell was the goal of this film. If Avengers 1 was the birth of this world. This film was easily the one that showed us what the world is going to look like. As a fan of these films this world is looking great. The actors play off each other so, well making jokes work, and the moments that are dark and very serious work just as well. The direction and writing done by Joss Whedon is perfect. He balances out everything, even better than the first film. He goes from one thing to the next so easily. From pushing his own story along, to expanding the universe that we have all come to love. The biggest thing that I wanted to talk about is James Spader as Ultron. The dude is the best villain from Marvel to date. He kills it. Every shot of him looks great making him seem God like and embodiment of pure evil. He was easily my second favorite part of this film and the one part that really needed to be talked about. My favorite part being some of the shots that is panels taken straights out of comic books. Those moments make make my spine tingle with pure enjoyment.

Now this film does have some faults, some faults that make this film not the classic that its trying to be. It's a sequel and some of the characters don't feel needed. We have seen this film before. We saw it 3 years ago nothing really changed from this one, yes the film's tone is a little darker. Which I really like, but the style and writing just as good as the first, not better. It's like first one hit it so far out of the park. That when this film tries to do that and does the park is a lot smaller. Also the characters of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch I have massive problems with. The main thing they do is listen to Ultron talk. So that way he isn't just talking to a wall. They aren't bad characters because I do like them and enjoyed seeing them. It just they didn't feel very important. So when it comes down to it the film feels just a little bloated. Also, the fact that this film is clearly banking on you seeing all the other films and not explaining anything about the characters or plot devices. Breaks one of the cardinal sins of making a sequel film. Which to me is, a film has to be able to stand on it own without you having seen the others.

This is a long review and come on it's THE summer blockbuster this year. It's not my most anticipated of the year, thought, which goes to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This film is still a great time at the movie theater and I can't wait to see it again. That fact alone is telling you that this film is great. If you want to see big action and great effects and good laughs. Go see Avengers: Age of Ultron you will not be mistaken.

3.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

April 17, 2015


Unfriended is a low budget horror film about a ghost terrorizing some kids on the internet. The whole thing is shot on a computer screen. A mac computer, sweet ad placement there apple. It is also done in a guess you would call a continuous shot. The camera/screen capture really never cuts out.

The big things that we really need to be talk about with this film. Is its style and how it is used very well. The director was a very smart one when it came to this film. He used the fact that we are a laptop to give a little bit of character touches. Like what tabs are opened up on the main character's screen to learn more about her. Like I can tell you, that she likes Johnny Cash and Teen Wolf (another solid ad their MTV). He also lets the actors type something in and before they hit send go back erase it. It uses a lot these gimmicky "its a computer ideas" but it's not just a gimmick. The film story really centers around a main theme. Which would be secrets and cyberbulling. This film would do great as a PSA against cyberbulling. It really focuses on this and scenes really bring out these themes in the 2nd half of the film. Which is much closer to a thriller than a horror film and actually the better half of the film. The film is also very fast and very well paced. You will never be bored with this film. Its always moving the story forward and the viewer is always learning new things. 

The biggest problems with the film is the characters and the ending of the film and some of the acting. The characters are very stereotypical teenagers, but I can tell that is something they were going for. They just aren't that interesting of people or do you really ever care about any of them. The acting is okay for what it is, some are just bad, but others are good. Like the main girl. Easily the best acted out of them. The ending of the film I think would have been stronger, if was a little different. It really would have just driven home its themes. Their is a  problem with the rating of the film. It's R rated which is good and it uses it to its advantage, but if this was a PG-13 film it really would have found the target demographic at which this film is clearly aimed at. This doesn't affect the film at all, just a thought I had about it. Overall, Unfriended is a solid film that uses its gimmick smartly and for a reason. So if a film like this makes you start to think I say go see it.

3.25 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

March 27, 2015

It Follows

It Follows is an indie 80's horror throw back film.When I say throw back, I mean throw back. If you liked the films done by John Carpenter. Its safe to say that you will enjoy this film at least the style. The film stars the stunning Maika Monroe (The Guest) and is Directed by David Robert Mitchell (The Myth of the American Sleepover). The film is about Jay (Monroe) going on a date and sleeping with a boy. The passes on a curse that wants to kill her and will never stop following her.

Monroe was a great choice for the lead in the film. She has a lot of talent and you really do get attached to her thought out the film. She is just an everyday girl that had this terrible curse put on her or if you want to read into it sexual disease. The film makes you feel very paranoid no matter who you are and this is one the great strengths of this film. David Robert Mitchell swiftly directs this film. He is able to do one of the hardest things to do for most Hollywood horror directors out. Which is keep tension on the whole film. Which made me very happy. I personally was on the edge of my seat the whole film and couldn't look away. When you left the theater you just had that feeling of "crap its right behind me." The films score and look are another great positive for the film. The score goes with its 80's throw back theme. It is a electronic score and has great moment of pure, intense moments and other parts of just beauty. The films look is awesome a lot of shots of suburban living and long shots and very long pans. I really liked the looked.

Now, I personal had huge exceptions of this film and sadly it didn't knock it out of the park. Not fully anyway. It was still a very good horror film. It just didn't have that extra punch that Spring, Under the Skin or The Babadook had.  Also with the John Carpenter parts it can be a positive and a negative. Some parts are just an homage to him like the setting, the score, and the overall plot of the film. Others are just straight lifted from Halloween. So if you have seen that film you can call where it goes. Also, it takes a lot of the 80's stupid horror things. Now I am not sure if that was on purpose or poor writing because the whole film is a love letter to the 80's, but it is still apparent. Things like running in stupid areas or running past doors. So when it comes down to it. I have a lot of problems with the script. Like they have a lot of metaphors in the film or at least attempts at metaphors. Like something with a pool that went over my head. I pretty good at figure those out, but this one I missed so I will need to see the film again. So the bottom line is if you like 80's horror films and just super intense moments all the way thought your film go see it.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

March 23, 2015


Spring, is an indie horror, romance film that is about a man who had just lost the last bit of his family and needs to get away for a while. So what is his best option? Take a trip to Italy of course. The film stars Lou Taylor Pucci in the title role of Evan and Nadia Hilker in her first film. Now I don't want to spoil the rest of the plot, but the genre blending of horror and romance has been a personal passion of mine. (Been writing one for awhile now)

Horror and romance aren't things that go together very well. So, when people try to put them together we get one of two things can happen. One, an amazing film going experience like Warm Bodies or Let the Right Ones In (Let Me In). Two the worst film you could possibly see, every Twilight film made. Lucky for us this one falls in the first category.  The two leads do a perfect job of making you fall for both of them. Evan is just this completely normal ever man type. That you can't help, but like. He has that quality that you know someone like him in your everyday life. Then Louise is the girl that is a complete mystery that you need to get to know better. Then when you do get to know her, she is one of the most interesting people you can ever meet. Heavy on the interesting. This film works as just a great romance. You get to see these two go on dates and talk. You get to learn what they think about life. The writing shines here. Every time these two talk my eyes were glued to the screen. I wanted to hear what they thought about life, love and what it means to live. It has this Before Sunrise feel to it. Then the way it is directed has this great atmosphere to it. With its blown out brightness and washed out colors and great use of 80's electronic music.

From what I just wrote you are most likely thinking "Kyle didn't you say this was a Horror movie?" Yes, it is a horror movie. The horror is in the complete mystery behind Louise. These scenes are genuinely creepy and super intense. The film gives you this little teases the whole film and you as the audience are trying to figure out what is going on with this girl. This becomes the only part of the film that has a critique. Once you figure out the mystery it loses some suspense, but the directors replace the mystery with another thing that I don't want to spoil. It is done well,  just not as good as the first three fourths of the film.

Now, this review is going to be a bit longer because I am going to on a little rant here. Horror movies now are in a state of reimagining. They truly are. I am not just saying this as a fan of Horror. Look at the films that are coming out and have come out. We had last years The Babadook and Starry Eyes and Honeymoon. We have the team behind The Guest and You're Next. Now we have this year Spring and It Follows. All of these were low budget and are some of the most interesting and well made films of their respected years.  Look to the indie filmmakers right in horror they are doing some of the most unique things you will ever see. I as your humble film nerd go watch all of those film I have just mentioned. You will not be upset. (It follows just looks amazing, I haven't seen it yet, but don't worry I will)

3.75 out of 4 Ticket Stubs. 

January 15, 2015

American Sniper

American Sniper is the next film from director and amazing actor Clint Eastwood. The film stars Bradley Cooper as the title role the most lethal sniper in US history, Chris Kyle (great last name just saying). The film tells the story of Kyle's trips to Iraq to fight in the war.

This film is kind of a mixed bag when I saw it. I went in excepting see a huge action film with lots of tense moments in the shoes of Cooper. What I got was more of a quiet film which I have to say has its positives and negatives. Eastwood, I can tell really want to honor this man. He doesn't make him out to be some super hero. He really makes him a human which is one of the things that I can safely say I loved about this film. The film takes pages from The Hurt Locker and how you can be addicted to the war. I really liked this theme because it really opens you up to something that people really don't know much about. I have to hand it to Eastwood and Cooper for this because you really end up caring for the man. Cooper's performance is very good. Its very once again quite and lets his face tell a lot. The dude was also really looked the part of solider. So the main thing that this film had going for it was the character of Kyle.

Now, this film does have its problems. I feel people who are looking for the next Lone Survivor really won't find it here. The action is good don't get me wrong, but it is no where near as intense as that film was. The action of the film was really a second thought. I liked this, but I know some people will not like this part. Also the film is a bit on the slower side and not much really happens because it's not really a story driven film. Much more a character film. Also, since this film is a lot like The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, and Lone Survivor. It feels like we have already seen a lot of this stuff already. Like the War Addict in the Hurt Locker or the actionfest that is Lone Survivor and I believe those films did both of those things very well.

At the end of the day this film is a very well done character drama. That tells the some of the problems of the war with people coming back home and should be seen by people who do in enjoy a pretty solid war film.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

January 9, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman: The Secret Service is the next film by gang behind the second best ( in my opinion) X-Men films First Class. The film stars Colin Firth, Sam Jackson, Mark Strong, and Michael Caine. It also stars Mark Hamill in a small role and a new comer in Taron Egerton. The film is about Firth working for a secret spy organization that needs to replace someone and Taron Egerton is his choice.

The star of this film is really the man in the director's chair. Matthew Vaughn, who is easily one of the most under-appreciated directors working in Hollywood today. This man has not made a bad film today. He is easily the master of pace in a scene and the master of tone for a film. He brings his talents to this film. This is his best film to date. He easily mixes the tones of his two most known films. Them being Kick-Ass and First Class and throws a little old school James Bond into the mix and you would have the plot and tone of this film. You have the humor of Kick-Ass, but in a spy film. The film continuing to comment on how stereotypical the film is, but does it with such class and just great style. That you can't help but to laugh. The pace of the film is great. The film is never boring. You will have a great action set piece and then you have a great character building moment in Eggsy (Egerton). Speaking of characters,  the acting in the film is amazing. Seeing Firth doing some great hand to hand fighting and using all sorts of crazy gadgets to defeat his enemies was something I thought the man couldn't do, but I was very wrong. Egerton plays a very likable main character easily showing he has the chops to stand toe to toe with any of the new and up and coming actors. I hope this kid doesn't get put into the action film typecast because I want to see him grow into a great actor. Sam Jackson plays a lot bigger role than I thought he was going to. He plays the main villain of the film and does it very well. Making once again another great character. He is a villain that you can actually understand why he is doing what he is doing, but the man completely evil, but you get it. Vaughn is known for having very over the top violence in his film. Which this film has in spades, but its no where near the gore level that Kick-Ass had. It found a nice middle ground between the two films. So with all that being said, this film is going to be rated R. The film is way too violent and way to crude in its humor. So I can't recommend it to younger kids.

This film is a spy film that is made for the fans of spy films. Much like Cabin in the Woods was made for horror fans. Picking at the problems with it, but still doing them with the class that any great spy film can do. I personally don't have any problems with this film. It is an amazing way to start off 2015. So if you are looking for a film with hyper stylized action and has some great in jokes. Look no further then Kingsman: The Secret Service. I can't believe I am already doing this, but my score for the film is

4 out of 4 Ticket Stubs (See this film when it comes out I want a sequel now)