November 9, 2012


Skyfall okay James Bond wow this movie is good, but it does have some faults. It took me two viewings to get this review down packed. First off a little bit of the story. Bond is trying to get back this list of agents who are secretly undercover. He fails in this mission and the list starts to leaked on to the web. Now Bond has to figure out how to get it back. Lets talk about the acting. Craig returning for the third time as Bond. I think he now can fully cement him as Bond. He played Bond perfectly. He had all the moves. This is his best work as Bond to date. Now the supporting cast around him was also very good. Javier Bardem plays a great bad guy. Man did I love him in this role. Everything he did worked and his performance comes right off the screen. Now on to the direction of Sam Mendas, he made this great world around Craig and this amazing story. He had a great tone of pure serious all the way thought and this great pace. Then the final thing I want to talk about is the way this film was shot. This is easily my favorite shot film of the year. I thought the Rises was good but holy crap. Roger Deakins doesn't get a nod for best cinematography. I will very upset. The shots at night look amazing and the shots during the day look amazing. There really isn't a bad shot in this movie. The scenes in china are some of the best scenes that I have personally ever seen. The way Deakin use lighting just blew my mind. Now form reading that you are thinking to yourself what didn't you like about this movie Kyle. Here it is. My biggest problem is that it slows down right after this great action scene. This scene is so will paced at put together. Then goes to really slow section of the movie. Which really thought me off. The worst part about this is that the scene that slows it down is actually really well done. So maybe if they would have put it somewhere else or did something I don't know it would have worked better. Also this is not a personal for me, but some people my not like it. This movie doesn't feel like a Bond movie at all which I can see a lot of people getting pissed off at. So for those two problems with the film that are almost unfix-able  I have to give it

4.5 out of 5 Ticket stubs. (doing that really hurts me)


Dan O. said...

Here's hoping that the future of Bond (which will hopefully include Christopher Nolan) will produce more films of the high quality of Skyfall. I liked it a lot, but didn’t love it, but I still look forward to seeing what they do with this franchise. Good review.

Kyle Landwehr said...

Seeing nolan really would be a perfect director for the next group of bond movies and he says he wants to do one. thanks for reading.