June 20, 2013

This Is The End

Alright first I want to say sorry for this super late review. I saw this almost a week ago and just ever got around to writing my review on it. So another update is I am going to see World War Z that will be up tomorrow morning or super late tonight. I am leaning toward the morning just because I think more people will see it.  Now on to the review.

This Is The End stars a lot of big names in film right now. The main two stars are Seth Rogan and Jay Baruchel. The film also stars Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, James Franco and Jonah Hill. They all play charcuteries of themselves. So what I meant by that is Seth Rogan plays Seth Rogan or at least a very over the top version of himself. Which creates for some very good comedy. This movie is easily one of the funniest movies I have seen since. I honesty don't know what the last real good comedy was. So yes movie is real funny and if you like there type of comedy you will love this movie. I mean this movie is vintage Rogan. Also this is also Rogan's first directoral apprentice. Of course he isn't the only director on this film he shares that with Evan Goldberg. I bet he helped with when Rogan had to be on scene and Rogan helped a ton when the cameras were off because I could really tell they both really cared about this film. The tone of the film was actually perfect. Like they hit a perfect tone for the film like yes it was funny, but it also had some actually very intesene moments which really surprised me. I mean they had one of the best jump scares so far this year in theaters. I mean that was really surprising. I had a lot of fun in the theater. All the acting in the film was very good. I have a problem with one performance, but he was still funny.

The one person I had a problem was Danny McBride  He wasn't bad in the film. I just don't think I liked they way they did his character because like he gets way to extreme way to fast I think. Also there are some shot choices that I didn't agree with in the film but for the most part they were very good. Also I have a huge problem with the pace of the film. Like this film was moving so fast in the beginning and then a point the film slows down a ton and I really didn't like that, but it does pick back up in the last fourth of the film. My rating of the film is going to be

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs

I also would like to talk about the The Wolf Of Wall Street Trailer that just got released this film easy just jumped to the top of my list for anticipated films of 2013 behind God Only Forgives.

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