June 8, 2013

V/H/S 2

V/H/S 2 is the sequel to the V/H/S go figure. I saw the first one and loved it. What it is a bunch of short films put into one and all of them have the same style of film making and very good horror ideas. The way they make them is found footage. Now like most people when I heard that it was found footage I was like I am really done with this, but to my surprise the it really added to the first one so when I heard they were making a sequel I was like it better be good.

Now is the film good. Yes it is very good. I really enjoyed it. Since this is an anthology film there a lot of stories and all of them I thought were good. With some great horror moments were I was general very freaked out. Mainly with the very beginning of the film that story really got to me and I was pretty freaked out. The next story I thought was really good fans of the show The Walking Dead will really enjoy that one and I thought out of the 4 shorts this one was the best not because it scared me but of how well made it was. It had some great gore effects and just really good storytelling which just impressed me. Now the pace in this film is a lot better then the first. This one was very well paced and each story comes and goes at really good time. Finally I really enjoyed the tone it didn't take itself to seriously and had a lot of fun with itself at points, but when it needs to be serious it will be.

I think this review going to be shorter then most because its hard to talk about each part of the film without spoiling anything for viewers. I do have to say this a lot of stuff in the film isn't really explained. You kind of have to except it and move on with your day and feel like a lot of people will find that annoying. Also some of the effects aren't the best but they are covered up by good story and actually good shots.

My rating for this film is going to be this.

3 out of 4 Ticket Stubs.

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