January 23, 2013

Fantasia (Disney Collection)

Fantasia. This is a very interesting film to say the least. There isn't a story, but there is a story. What this film is basically classic music with animation in front of it. Now some of these have a story like the Sorcerer's Apprentice(which is my personal favorite). Then there are some that don't have any bit of story.

I am going to talk about the positives. All the animation is this film is breathtaking it all looks amazing like the final story called Night on the Bald Mountain some of the best hand draw things I have ever seen. It really impressed me, best animation I have seen in doing these reviews. Also I would like to talk about the musical score to this film.  Easily the best I have ever heard. You can hear every crash every beat. Going to the theaters would be a  great way to watch this film and some of the best music I have ever heard and will ever heard. I loved the score to this film. Those are like the two things in this movie if they didn't  do well this film would have been a huge failure. Luckily for disney it worked great.

Now this is the hard part. This film is really unlike any other movie that I have ever seen. I can't really talk about the direction of the film, because there really isn't one. I can't talk about the tone with the film as a whole, but want I can to do is talk about how each piece of this film had a different tone and pace. All the pieces are very well paced and had a very good sense of tone.  I did have a problem with like the over all pace of the film thought. It clocks in at just about 2 hours and thats a lot of music and a lot of different animation with no story. I feel as if some could have been cut. Like the one right before Night at Bald Mountain. They also could have cut out the some of the live action things. It is kinda of mess when it comes to pace. It was hard for me to get thought the whole film, but the parts I enjoyed  I really loved so its kinda hard to rate this film.

Also I would like to mention that my hat is off to Disney for doing this because its really is a impressive piece of work and I can think of a few people that would really enjoy this film, but on the other hand I can name a lot more people that would hate this film.   So over all I liked this film, but there is just to many different issues with the film for me to give a really high rating. So to one of the highest rated critic movies I am going to give it

3 out of 5 Ticket Stubs

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