January 25, 2013

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters is what happens to the children after they kill the witch that wants to fatten them up and eat them. So after this they become the famous witch hunters that kill and stop the forces of evil.

Well lets talk about the good in the film. I think all the actors in the film had a lot of fun in the roles they  played. This movie really is saved by Jeremy Renner (Hansel). Everything he does I believe and he is just good in the role. Also I would like to say to the girl playing Gretel (Gemma Arterton) she had a lot of fun to. I would also like to say the music in the film is awesome. It really makes the action scenes very cool. Now this is what I have to say about the tone and pace. They are great. The tone is this over the top action film with a lot of gore. Now I personally loved it, because its like this b movie tone and I really enjoy it for that. I will say that it isn't for everyone and not many people will like it. So if your into that thing you find some good enjoyment there. Also the pace was fine the film never really felt slow.

Now to what I didn't like about this film. The script was horrible I mean it was really bad. I usually don't spoil movies, but there is a huge plot hole with this like insulin thing. Also the whole insulin thing to begin with is a little nuts. Also the characters are super flat. I really didn't care about any of the characters in the film. Like if they were to all die I wouldn't care one way or the other. This was the biggest and its a pretty huge problem to have with the film. I also didn't really enjoy the cinematography in the film. It wasn't the worse but anyone can tell it wasn't great.

So this film was also in 3d. Don't and I repeat don't see this in 3d. The reason why they put these type of movies in 3d is the studio knows that its not going to make very much money so they try and save the box office by putting it in 3d which they didn't need to do at all. So for all those reasons I am going to give this film a rating of

2 out 5 Ticket Stubs

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