February 8, 2013

Bambi (Disney Collection)

Bambi is the reason why daughters hate there fathers for hunting. This is the story in short about a deer named Bambi who is born and this is his life story basically.

Now Bambi is a little longer then Dumbo, but I think that this movie and Dumbo are good side by side films. Like they don't have anything to do with each. Its not like a baby elephant is just gonna wonder into the forest were Bambi lives, but they both have similar stories and similar tones. They are both coming of age stories for animals. Now I am just gonna start off with I liked Bambi a lot more Dumbo. You can tell a lot more thought actually went into this film. It has a lot more side characters that are actually good. Also the main character is just better. I would also like the animation is a lot better in this film. My all time favorite scene in this film still holds up. I don't know if this is your favorite scene reader but this is mine the ice skating scene is just so freaking adorable. Speaking of a adorable Thumper oh my word I mean just look at the guy. ^ Dude is cute beyond cute.

The things that I didn't like about this film was that the over all story much like Dumbo I did not like it. Yes this film is paced better. I just really didn't like the story. Also I have problems with like some of the darker scenes. This film is super dark for a Disney movie. Now I mean Disney films that go dark do it right, but this one is really dark and doesn't really need to be. They do it to try and save some of the "story". Now even thought it has its issues still far better then some of the other films during this time period. My final thoughts just for the lovable characters of the film.

3.5 out of 5

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